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In presenting the report, the Corporate Performance Management explained that the Council’s performance management framework had historically included performance monitoring and reporting of performance.
The Panel was reminded that a Covid-Recovery Strategy was agreed by Council on 8 October 2020. The report provided the final overview on the corporate recovery performance indicators for the Recovery Strategy for the 2021/22 year.
The key issues were outlined as set out in the report.
The Panel’s attention was drawn to the sections of the report 2.2 and 2.3.
In response to a question from the Chair in relation to indicator 1.8 %of Business Rates collected against target (cumulative), the Corporate Performance Manager explained that this target had been based on historical trends over many years and 98% was a realistic target. The Chief Executive provided clarification on the point raised by the Chair.
Councillor Humphrey reference to indicator 4.1 no of days to process new benefit claims – why had the number of days peaked in February. The Corporate Performance Manager to investigate and report back to the Panel. Following the meeting it had been confirmed that the processing times peak in February because the systems were taken down for a couple of days for annual billing and the Council was unable to process any work during this time. At the same time the Council were clearing the welfare benefit increases which were notified to the authority in bulk during January.
Councillor Morley commented that he wished to place on record his appreciation of the Corporate Performance Manager in looking at KPI’s with him in detail and reshaping them for the future year.
The Portfolio Holder, Environment responded to questions from Councillors Morley and Nash on fly-tipping within the Borough and the additional pressures on the County Council to dispose of waste and charges incurred at waste recycling centres for DIY materials/waste, etc. The Portfolio Holder, Corporate Services added that the County Council collected the waste from district councils and the data collected did not account for the individual number of fly tipping incidents.
The Chair referred to 2.4 % of rent arrears on retail units and what arrangement the Council had in place to collect payment. In response, the Assistant Director Property and Projects explained that when Covid hit Central Government put in place protections for commercial tenants so commercial landlords could not take their usual rent arrear action. The Assistant Director provided an overview of the 2020 and 2022 Acts and action available to commercial landlords. The legislation set out the covid rates and this enabled commercial landlords to set out what was a Covid and non-Covid debt, the Council therefore working through the legislation and would then work out a place to deal with the rent arrears. It was noted that the Council’s approach would be discussed with the relevant Portfolio Holder.
RESOLVED: The Panel reviewed and noted the Council’s performance indicators for 2021/22. Performance against the recovery indicators would be replaced with a new suite of performance indicators for 2022/23.
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