To receive the minutes from the Officer Major Projects Board:
· 29 November 2021
· 13 December 2020 – MEETING CANCELLED
· 19 January 2022
· 21 February 2022
Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube
The Assistant Director, Property and Projects explained that there had been queries from Members as to whether certain items should be considered in open or exempt session.
The Assistant Director, Property and projects advised that he had revised the Officer Major Projects Board (OMPB) minutes with the Monitoring Officer, and it had been concluded that the majority of the minutes did not contain exempt information and suggested that the OMPB be discussed in open session unless there were any commercially sensitive or detailed questions which required the Board to go into exempt session. It was explained that therefore that the OMPB minutes could be split into two sections – open and exempt (if required) and invited the view of the MMPB.
Councillor Hudson commented that as much of the OMPB minutes should be considered in open session to ensure openness and transparency.
Councillor Middleton welcomed the approached outlined by the Assistant Director and if required to go into exempt session to discuss commercially sensitive projects, etc. Councillor Middleton also commented that it was crucial for the Monitoring Officer to attend MMPB meetings to provide legal advice when required.
Councillor Dark concurred with the comments made by Councillors Hudson and Middleton.
The Assistant Director, Property and Projects explained that all Members had access to exempt information.
Councillor Moriarty commented asked why the minutes of the OMPB meeting held on 21 March 2022 were not available. In response, the Democratic Services Officer advised that were currently in draft form and were to be approved by Management Team on 12 April 2022 following which would be published on InSite and be available for all Members to view and added that they could be circulated to the Board following approval by Management Team. The Assistant Director, Property and Projects advised the meeting was held but that he was not in attendance for the whole meeting and provided an overview of the subjects discussed.
The Chair explained that he understood the issues raised by Councillor Moriarty and commented that the timing of the OMPB sits well within the MMPB to coincide, so the Board received the recent set of minutes.
Councillor Middleton added that there would always be a cut off point and that the OMPB met more frequently than the MMPB to receive the minutes. Whilst the MMPB could have been presented with the draft OMPB minutes not the best idea as there may be an amendment. Councillor Middleton stated that going forward it would be beneficial if the MMPB received the recent minutes of the OMPB to ensure Members received the most up to date information and align meetings as best as possible.
Councillor Blunt explained that the Chapel Street project had been discussed at the Heritage Action Zone meetings and a lessons learnt exercise undertaken and following discussions with Historic England the decision had been not to progress the project.
With regard to the OMPB minutes of 29 November 2021, matters arising and co-investment opportunities with the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council, the Assistant Director advised that a response would be given in exempt session.
RESOLVED: 1) OMPB minutes would be discussed in open session unless there was a requirement to exclude the press and public to consider items of a commercial sensitive nature, etc.
2) OMPB of 21 March 2022 be circulated to the MMPB following approval by Management Team.