Agenda item




  1. The Council endorses the Vision Manifesto (appendix 1) and the Business Plan (appendix 2) for the Centre for submission to the Towns Fund and NHLF.


  1. That following consideration of the options for securing funding for the Guildhall and Creative Hub set out in section 4, the council agrees to amend the capital programme as set out in section 7.3 in the report, to underwrite the match funding required in order to secure the Towns Fund allocation.


  1. In the event the NLHF Stage 1 or 2 applications are not successful, a further report be brought back to Cabinet and relevant Panels to confirm the final project scope and extent of funding required as detailed in section 7.3 of the report


  1. That following a consideration of the options for a governance and operating model that a new separate entity is formed. That on consideration of options (appendix 3), that this entity is a newly formed for purpose Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).


  1. That the process of forming a new Independent CIO with a wholly owned trading subsidiary is commenced and matters relating to this including:

·         Finalising the constitution and Governing Document the way the CIO will run 

·         Selecting the Chair and two initial trustees before an application to the Charities Commission is made as detailed in section 5 of the report.

·         Choosing a name


are delegated to the Monitoring Officer and Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business, Culture and Heritage and the newly formed task group.


  1. The financial implications of the decisions as set out in section 7 of this report are endorsed and reflected in the Council’s Financial Plan from 2025 onwards


  1. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Property & Projects in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Commercial Property to negotiate and conclude the leases with existing tenants.


Reason for Decision


To provide the match funding evidence for the ‘Guildhall and Creative Hub’ to secure the £4.8m Towns Fund allocation.


A timely decision about how a future enterprise will be governed and the model under which it will operate is an important part of planning the ‘Guildhall and Creative Hub’ project and the associated funding submissions. The decision will demonstrate to funding bodies that the council is giving careful consideration and certainty at this stage to the future sustainability of the investment being sought and the key documents that will define the relationship between the council and the entity that will run the Guildhall and Creative Hub.


The project directly supports and will deliver against the Council’s commitment and ambitions for culture as set out in the Council’s Cultural Prospectus and Town Investment Plan (2021).



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Cabinet considered a report which set out the progress made on the St George’s Guildhall and Creative Hub project as part of the Town Deal programme and the Council approvals required as the accountable body and leaseholder/owner of the Centre. The approvals were required to complete both a Business Case for the Towns Fund stage 2; and a Business Plan (and a stage 1 application) to the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), to secure match funding for the project.


It was noted that a clear direction and plan on the future management and operational arrangements for the Guildhall and Creative Hub were critical to the NLHF application and Towns Fund Business Case. The Guildhall Project Board (that included The National Trust and Norfolk County Council) had considered the best governance and operational structure for the future new enterprise, and the most appropriate characteristics of any new legal entity. The recommendation was based on the unanimous views of a number of culture sector specialists consulted, including retained consultants for the project, FEI Ltd.  


The comments of the joint meetings of the Regeneration and Development Panel and

Corporate Performance Panel were considered by the Cabinet.


Under standing order 34 Councillor de Whalley addressed Cabinet in support of the proposals whilst encouraging the provision of resources for future funding and an archeological building record be carried out.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Nockolds commended the work completed which had commenced many years ago but was prevented due to lack of finance.  She encouraged its marketing as a heritage asset along with the others in the town.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Moriarty addressed Cabinet on the views of the Joint Panels and the comments made at those meetings regarding the selling points of the complex such as the oldest theatre, and the Shakespeare connection.


Under standing order 34, Councillor Joyce drew attention to the risks if National Lottery funding was not forthcoming.  He asked where the revenue funding for the project in the future would come from.


Cabinet debated the report and its recommendations reminding members that the council had a full repairing lease on the building for a further 30 years.  Attention was drawn to the debate held in the joint Panels meetings, and the fact that this was a unique opportunity that could not be ignored with its potential transformational benefits for the town as a whole.  It was also noted that the Charitable Incorporated Organisation would potentially be able to access funding opportunities that the council would not be able to access. The Cabinet was reassured that should the funding application be unsuccessful there would be further opportunity to consider the plans. Cabinet acknowledged the work that Councillor Nockolds had done over the years to support and develop the Guildhall.


Attention was drawn to the additional recommendations from the Panels in recommendation 3 to further involve the panels and  recommendation 5 to include the Task Group in the consultation process.  These were agreed.




  1. The Council endorses the Vision Manifesto (appendix 1) and the Business Plan (appendix 2) for the Centre for submission to the Towns Fund and NHLF.


  1. That following consideration of the options for securing funding for the Guildhall and Creative Hub set out in section 4, the council agrees to amend the capital programme as set out in section 7.3 in the report, to underwrite the match funding required in order to secure the Towns Fund allocation.


  1. In the event the NLHF Stage 1 or 2 applications are not successful, a further report be brought back to Cabinet and relevant Panels to confirm the final project scope and extent of funding required as detailed in section 7.3 of the report


  1. That following a consideration of the options for a governance and operating model that a new separate entity is formed. That on consideration of options (appendix 3), that this entity is a newly formed for purpose Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).


  1. That the process of forming a new Independent CIO with a wholly owned trading subsidiary is commenced and matters relating to this including:

·         Finalising the constitution and Governing Document the way the CIO will run 

·         Selecting the Chair and two initial trustees before an application to the Charities Commission is made as detailed in section 5 of the report.

·         Choosing a name


are delegated to the Monitoring Officer and Chief Executive in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business, Culture and Heritage and the newly formed task group.


  1. The financial implications of the decisions as set out in section 7 of this report are endorsed and reflected in the Council’s Financial Plan from 2025 onwards


  1. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Property & Projects in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Commercial Property to negotiate and conclude the leases with existing tenants.


Reason for Decision


To provide the match funding evidence for the ‘Guildhall and Creative Hub’ to secure the £4.8m Towns Fund allocation.


A timely decision about how a future enterprise will be governed and the model under which it will operate is an important part of planning the ‘Guildhall and Creative Hub’ project and the associated funding submissions. The decision will demonstrate to funding bodies that the council is giving careful consideration and certainty at this stage to the future sustainability of the investment being sought and the key documents that will define the relationship between the council and the entity that will run the Guildhall and Creative Hub.


The project directly supports and will deliver against the Council’s commitment and ambitions for culture as set out in the Council’s Cultural Prospectus and Town Investment Plan (2021).

Supporting documents: