Agenda item


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The Planning Policy Manager presented the report which was for information only and explained that the feedback would form part of the statutory Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation, which would be submitted to the Secretary of State alongside the Local Plan Review itself.


A summary of the consultation feedback was sorted into the order of the Plan, as published.  The Task Group’s attention was drawn to the following sections of the report:


·         Sections 1 and 2:  Duty to Co-operate, Sustainability Appraisal.

·         LP01 Spatial Strategy Policy.

·         LP02 Settlement Hierarchy Policy.

·         LP04 Development Boundaries Policy.

·         LP05 Implementation Policy.

·         LP06 Climate Change Policy.

·         LP09 Touring and Permanent Holiday Sites Policy.

·         LP10 Development associated with the National Construction College site, Bircham Newton (CITB), British Sugar Factory, Wissington and RAF Marham Policy (major employers).

·         LP11 Strategic and Major Road Network Policy.

·         LP13 Transportation Policy.

·         LP15 Coastal Areas Policy.

·         LP18 Design and Sustainable Development Policy.

·         LP19 Environmental Assets – Green Infrastructure, Landscape Character, Biodiversity and Geodiversity Policy.

·         LP20 Environmental Assets – Historic Environment Policy.

·         LP21 Environment, Design and Amenity Policy.

·         LP24 Renewable Energy Policy.

·         LP27 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Policy.

·         LP28 Affordable Housing.

·         LP31 Residential Development Reasonably Related to Existing Settlements Policy.

·         9.1 King’s Lynn.

·         9.2 West Lynn.

·         9.3 West Winch/A10 corridor.

·         10.1 Downham Market

·         10.2 Hunstanton

·         10.3 Wisbech Fringes (including Walsoken).

·         11.1 Marham.

·         Page 25:  Omission Sites.


The Planning Policy Manager and Principal Planner (Policy) responded to questions in relation to:


·         Opportunities for the Borough Council to put forward proposed amendment if it was felt there was something that might change following the receipt of representations – at the Main Modifications stage, following Local Plan examination hearings.

·         Role and remit of the Inspector.

·         Role of the Programme Officer.

·         Process of applying to speak at the Examination.

·         People who had been submitted a representation being in the communication loop.

·         Summary of representations – both individually/specific group raising the same issues.

·         Current status of Knights Hill site.

·         Role of Neighbourhood Plans and how these relate to the Local Plan.

·         Settlement Hierarchy Policy and setting appropriate level/quantum of development in smaller villages and hamlets.

·         Previous consultation with parishes in developing Local Plan policies.

·         Importance of maintaining a consistent approach within rural settlements.

·         Inconsistencies for defining settlement boundaries – anticipated a discussion to be held at the Examination.

·         West Winch and Infrastructure required to deliver housing units.

·         LP09 - Touring and Permanent Holiday Sites Policy.

·         How the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was determined.

·         Renewable energy.

·         Flood defences/risks.

·         Deallocation of sites.

·         Omission sites.



Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp addressed the Task Group in relation to Policies LP04 Development Boundaries Policy, West Winch and the importance of the required infrastructure being in place prior to the commencement of development, LP 20 Environmental Assets – Historic Environment Policy, importance of flood defences, West Lynn and the importance of improved connectivity and the role of the West Norfolk Transport and Infrastructure Steering Group.


In response to the points made by Councillor Kemp on West Lynn and the role of the West Norfolk Transport and Infrastructure Group, the Chair advised that the Local Plan Task Group was not the appropriate meeting to discuss the issues raised and invited Councillor Kemp to attend a separate meeting with himself.


AGREED:  The Task Group noted the contents of the report.



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