Agenda item

To consider passing the following resolution for the exempt element of the report if required.


That under section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for part of Agenda Item 13 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined by paragraph 3 of part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.




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The Chair invited the Assistant Director, Resources to present the report.


The Chair advised that the Appendix to the report was exempt and if Members wished to ask questions on the information set out in the Appendix, the Committee would need to consider passing a resolution to exclude the press and public.


Councillor Ryves stated that the Committee had not received any training on insurance matters and that he believed this had been discussed at the Audit Committee in December 2020 and added that he would personally like the item deferred until Members had received formal training.


The Assistant Director, Resources explained that the report contained statistical information..  She added that the insurance report had been added to the work programme but that she was not aware of the background information or objectives of the request and had therefore set out the statistical information received from Zurich on the type of claims over the financial years.  The Committee was advised that there was currently a tender process to re-tender the next contract for the provision of insurance to the council.  The report had been brought to the committee to ascertain what information/objectives were required going forward and then to schedule any appropriate training.


Councillor Morley commented that the purpose of the Audit Committee was to check exposure to risk and that it had financial risk controls in place, audit procure process and and that his personal opinion was that he did not see that the Audit Committee could add anything and should therefore note the report.


The Chair and Councillor Collingham concurred with the comments made by Councillor Morley to note the report and could not see what training was required.


Councillor Ryves commented that he noted the comments made by Councillor Morley, but added that insurance was a high risk area and that in his view he would like training.

In response, the Chair advised that he would take the points made into consideration and would discuss training requirements with relevant officers and such training would be available to all Members of the Council.


Councillor Devereux asked if the insurance policy and strategy and implemented was identified as a in the risk register and if so at what level because that would determine any course of action and was it regarded as a significant risk.  In response, the Assistant Director Resources explained that she did not have the information to hand but would circulate the information by email to the Committee.


The Assistant Director, Resources responded to questions from Councillor Hudson on the excess payments of £6,000 and insurance reserves.  It was noted that the insurance reserves had not been used in the last three financial years.


Councillor Morley commented that on examining the detail in the Appendices, one could read where the risk lies.  The Council needed to engage an insurance company which was skilled in managing the highest risk claims.  The Council appeared to have been successful in appointing a company that had rebuffed the majority of these, therefore risk was being contained and the paper should be noted.


The Chair thanked the Assistant Director, Resources for presenting the report.


RESOLVED:  The Committee noted the contents of the report.


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