To consider the attached consultation report submitted by the Executive Director:
Consideration of a request on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) for plans to develop a new Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility generating electricity and steam (and associated grid connections) on land at Algores Way Wisbech; and
Re-iteration of the Borough Council’s position of opposition on the substantive issue of such a facility adjacent to the Borough.
The You Tube link to the meeting is below:
Parish: (Within West Norfolk) Walsoken, Walpole, Walpole Highway, West Walton, Walton Highway. Proposal: Plans to develop a new Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility generating electricity and steam, (and associated grid connections) on land at Algores Way, Wisbech. Location: Wisbech, Cambridgeshire Applicant: Medworth CHP Ltd.
The Committee was invited to consider a request on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) for plans to develop a new Energy from Waste (EfW) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) facility generating electricity and steam (and associated grid connections) on land at Algores Way, Wisbech. The report also set out the re-iteration of the Borough Council’s position of opposition on the substantive issue of such a facility adjacent to the Borough
The report explained that before applying for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to the Secretary of State (as was the intention in this case), an applicant must consult interested parties on its preliminary assessment of likely environmental impacts (the PEIR). The Applicant was now seeking consultees’ comments on the information provided in the PEIR to inform the ongoing design and assessment of the Proposed Development. The Applicant must have regard to any relevant responses received during the statutory consultation in relation to the PEIR when preparing the Environmental Statement (ES) for the Development Consent Order application.
The report came in two parts and addressed two matters:
A. A technical response to the particular request for comments on the information provided in the PEIR to inform the ongoing design and assessment of the Proposed Development when preparing the Environmental Statement for the DCO application. The PEIR covered a wide range of subjects (detailed in the report). Comments were made on the coverage of the subjects in the PEIR by the relevant technical officers in the specific terms of the request received and
B. It was felt important to take the consultation opportunity to provide the Applicant with a clear position statement on the Borough Council’s wider community view on the proposed development, reflecting the Council Motion on 25 February 2021 objecting almost unanimously to the principle of the energy from waste proposal at Wisbech. This was discussed in the Report and led to a specific re-iteration of the substance and content of the Motion.
The Chairman reminded the Committee that the Borough Council was not the determining authority and was a consultee only.
In accordance with Standing Order 34, Councillor Dark addressed the Committee in relation to the application – a copy of his statement will be attached to the Borough Council’s response.
In accordance with Standing Order 34, Councillor de Whalley addressed the Committee in relation to the application – a copy of his statement will be attached to the Borough Council’s response.
In accordance with Standing Order 34, Councillor Kemp addressed the Committee in relation to the application – a copy of her statement will be attached to the Borough Council’s response.
In accordance with Standing Order 34, Councillor Gidney addressed the Committee in relation to the application – a copy of his statement will be attached to the Borough Council’s response.
The Chairman then invited comments from the Committee.
The Committee raised the following additional points:
Highway network
· queries over the proposed modifications to the highway network proposed associated with new development.
· Clarification to be sought on the numbers of vehicular movements for the site.
· Queries on the average one way distance given, the associated impact on climate change/greenhouse gas emissions. Consequent query on the accuracy of the emissions figures.
Bottom Ash
· Clarification on how the bottom ash was to be disposed of – whether on or off site. Some discrepancies were identified in the report, and the question was raised as to whether there were any IBA trips included in the traffic carbon assessment.
Grid Connection
· Further clarification was sought on this, along with why the cables weren’t underground as was best practice.
15km Impact Area
· Clarification was sought as to why 15km was used, and did it take into account the topography of the area.
Major Accidents and Disasters
· Did this consider access to water in the event of an emergency situation and had this been fully considered.
At the request of the Chairman, and with the required number of supporters, a recorded vote on the recommendation was taken:
For Against Abstain
Bubb Parish
The recommendation was carried.
RESOLVED: 1. Members consider the material provided in the PEIR and note the technical responses by Officers and provide any additional comments as appropriate.
2. Members re-emphasise the ‘in principle’ opposition to the proposal for an energy from waste facility in Wisbech as agreed at the Council meeting on 25 February 2021.
Supporting documents: