Agenda item



North Wootton:  The House on the Green, Ling Common Road:  Proposed residential development:  WW Properties (East Anglia) Ltd


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The Principal Planner introduced the report and responded to the questions which had been raised on the two site visits:


·         The ridge height of the propose 7.3 m and 5 m to the eaves

·         Width of access – minimum width of 5m

·         Ownership of the public houses and whether that had changed hands recently – the agent had confirmed that the applicant still owned the public house.  In relation to the public house refurbishment, this was covered by condition 4 and the agent had confirmed that it was in the applicant’s interest to do that refurbishment as soon as possible, as it would be very difficult to sell the new dwellings with the public house in its current condition.

·         A question had been asked regarding the applicant’s history however that was not relevant with the determination of this application.

·         The Committee did visit the garden of No.28 Ling Cottage, Little Carr Road and looked at the separation distance of 9m.

·         There was no dedicated staff parking  spaces shown on the plans, however there had been no objection from the Local Highway Authority in relation to the retention of 21 spaces.

·         In relation to loss of light, in relation to this site, the case officer when taking into account the impact on neighbouring properties, had looked at overlooking, potential loss of privacy, loss of light or overshadowing and overbearing impact.  In terms of the separation distance and taking into account the orientation of the sun between the units it was considered that there would be no significant loss of light.

·         Since Monday’s meeting additional correspondence had been received from the occupiers of dwellings at Ford Avenue, but whilst on the site visit the Committee could see the depth of gardens and felt that it was not necessary to visit those garden areas.  Full consideration had been given to their amenity.  There would be no principal habitable windows facing into neighbouring gardens.


The Committee then considered the application.


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Spikings proposed that the application should be refused on the grounds that it would be a cramped form of development, lack of car parking for the public house, overdevelopment and not in-keeping with the street-scene.  This was seconded by Councillor Nockolds.


The Democratic Services Officer carried out a roll call on the proposal to refuse the application and, after having been put to the vote, was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED:  That the application be refused, contrary to recommendation for the following reasons:


1.    The proposal, through the number of dwellings, is considered to be an unduly cramped form of development and fails to respond sensitively and sympathetically to the local setting an pattern of adjacent streets and spaces. This is contrary to relevant sections of the NPPF, and policies CS06 and CS08 of the Core Strategy, and DM15 of the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan.

2.    The proposed development does not retain adequate on-site vehicular parking facilities to serve the public house, to meet the standards required by the LPA, which will lead to an undesirable increase in on-street parking, to the detriment of highway safety, and this is considered to be contrary to Core Strategy policy CS11, DM15 of the SADMPP, and the NPPF.