Agenda item


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The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the full year corporate performance update. The council’s performance management framework had historically included performance monitoring and reporting of performance and presented to the Corporate Performance Panel.


A Covid-19 Recovery Strategy was agreed by Council on 8 October 2020. The report provided an update on the corporate performance monitoring indicators for the Recovery Strategy for the 2020/21 year.


It was reported that Indicators had been included to monitor key council services and impacts on borough wide issues. These indicators were linked to the Covid-19 Recovery Strategy and were grouped under the Corporate Business Plan’s priorities. Forecasting and target setting were very challenging given uncertainties relating to Covid-19 and its consequences for the community and economy. Comparative data had been included where available along with an indication of trend


The Corporate Performance Panel monitored all indicators to provide a corporate overview of performance. Environment and Community and Regeneration and Development Panels may request the monitoring of appropriate performance indicators to be included within their respective work programmes.


Members were reminded that the council’s response to Covid-19 continued throughout 2020/21 and was ramped up in response to national measures and preparations for the vaccination programme. Resources were refocused from recovery to concentrate on response activities and indicators that were heavily influenced by external factors were anticipated to deteriorate over quarters 3 and 4 of 2020/21 and into 2021/22 subject to the lifting of national restrictions and the related impact of national and local economic recovery.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive gave a commentary explanation on each indicator which was showing as red. In response to points raised relating to KPIs on the delivery of services, enhancing of governance and ensuring the council’s financial sustainability, reminded members that the corporate performance plan was written in 2020 was before the pandemic which changed the approach to the KPIs.  It was decided to monitor indicators which gave the impact of covid on the council and its services.


The Chair reported that a request had been submitted by Councillor Morley to look at KPIs for CPP in the future.  It was pointed out that the historical data would be required in order to compare year on year, therefore changes would need to be a hybrid of old and new.


Under standing order 34 Councillor Holmes drew attention to the fact that although a number of the indicators were showing as red, a number of these were good news, and not indicators of failure.  He encouraged the comparison of trends for 2021/22 against the last “normal” year. 


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that for services such as Lily the council was ahead of the curve as it had served the council well during the pandemic with large numbers of calls made to vulnerable people.  She explained that as cabinet priorities were due to be reviewed.  These would be brought to Panel for input.


The Chair suggested that whilst the indicators would be brought quarterly, the red indicators be brought back to the Panel in July for further monitoring.  This was agreed.


RESOLVED:            1)         That the council’s performance indicators for 2020/21 be noted and continue to be reported to the Corporate Performance Panel via periodic updates.


2)         That the red indicated performance indicators be brought to the July Panel for further monitoring.

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