In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
Corporate Services - Councillor B Long
Environment - Councillor P Kunes
Development - Councillor R Blunt
Finance – Councillor A Dickinson
Property – Councillor A Lawrence
People and Communities – Councillor Sam Sandell
Deputy Leader and Business, Culture & Heritage – Councillor G Middleton
Leader - Councillor Stuart Dark
Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube
The Mayor invited questions of members for Cabinet members.
In response to a question from Councillor Morley on the funding allocated to the Town Deal Youth and Re-training Pledge and the transparency of the business case, Councillor Blunt reminded Members that the lead on the scheme was the College of West Anglia’s principal officer. It had also been externally assessed and deemed as thorough. He agreed to send a copy to the councillor.
Councillor Kemp asked if the Council’s skills shortages were being fed into the process. Councillor Blunt confirmed they would be.
Following a question from Councillor Nockolds, Councillor Kunes confirmed that the major tree planting programme would commence shortly with 6500 trees at Lynnsport, 500 at King’s Reach along with other smaller schemes.
Councillor Holmes asked Councillor Sandell if the Council was associated and actively working with the Norfolk Domestic Abuse Service. Councillor Sandell confirmed that the Council worked with and provided support for the Pandora domestic abuse organisation. Details of the support available was on the Council’s web site with relevant contact details. She agreed to send the Councillor the details.
In response to Councillor D Tyler’s question on CIL, Councillor Blunt confirmed the latest round of applications closed at the end of January. He gave a summary of the types of applications received to date and confirmed the next round would be in July.
In response to a question from Councillor Parish on the number of planning officer vacancies within the authority, Councillor Blunt confirmed that the industry generally was employing people with planning experience resulting in officers leaving. He confirmed that the council was looking at external support to help produce reports etc, but that corners would not be cut, which may result in it taking longer to process planning applications.
Councillor Kunes confirmed to Councillor Kemp that Winfarthing wood was no longer an allocated site, and that it would be looked at again in terms of tree planting.
Following a question from Councillor Nockolds on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Councillor Sandell confirmed that a small pot of money would be available within the community grants for that purpose.
Councillor Ryves asked Councillor Middleton in Councillor Dickinson’s absence questions on the proposed funding of the Guildhall. Councillor Middleton confirmed that he was not able to comment on Councillor Dickinson’s view, and explained the background of the situation and that it was proposed that the May round of bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund was being aimed at.
Councillor Collingham asked what progress was being made on the plans to tackle fly tipping. Councillor Kunes reported that following the Council decision a member of staff had been appointed and the vehicles ordered to commence work on the collection of and identification of fly tippers. A prosecution had recently been made which resulted in a £2,000 fine.
Councillor Holmes asked Councillor Blunt what the latest Government Guidance on housing completion targets was. Councillor Blunt explained the process and that the council had achieved 96% target which meant that no Action Plan would be required, although the figures worked retrospectively meaning the previous years Plan was required.
Following a question from Councillor Bower, Councillor Blunt drew attention to useful and interesting workshops provided by Historic England which members could view on you tube. He undertook to send out links to them.
In response to a question from Councillor de Whalley regarding the Guildhall Advisory Group meeting cancellations and the Bid, Councillor Middleton confirmed the need to ensure people were involved, and advised that he wanted the business plan to be ready to discuss before calling the next meeting.
In response to a question about the Local Transport Plan for West Norfolk, Councillor Blunt confirmed that all applications took into account the transport infrastructure needs, and there was ongoing work in a number of area relating to it.
Councillor Morley asked whether the decision to sell the site in Burnham Market should be reviewed in the light of rising prices. Councillor Lawrence confirmed that the values on the site were relevant, and it was proposed to hold the requirements of the current planning permission with the sale.
The Leader’s report
The Mayor invited questions of the Leader.
Councillor Dark gave an update on the covid figures for the area, confirming the figures for the area were slightly higher than the national average. He reminded Members of the briefing they could attend the following day from the Hospital.
Following a question from Councillor Squire on the issue of Independent Group notices of Motion not being progressed, Councillor Dark asked for the information to be provided to him.
Councillor Devereux asked about the replacement of dog waste bins in the borough and the provision of larger bin in some areas. Councillor Dark confirmed that some bins were due to be replaced, and the size of those provided was being considered at the same time.
In response to Councillor Morley’s question regarding the Transport East Road Strategy and the consultation with and involvement with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Councillor Dark commented that he wasn’t able to be responsible for other authorities responses, but this authority’ response had been submitted and he would share it with members.
Councillor Dark responded to Councillor Kemp’s question regarding the Ferry and the Carnegie library, explaining that he could not pre judge the Ferry, but had made his position clear on his support for the County Council owned Carnegie library remaining a public space.
Councillor Dark disagreed with the comments made by Councillor Ryves regarding a lack of support for the case for the new hospital. He drew attention to the numerous occasions where that support had been demonstrated.
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