In accordance with Standing Order 11, to receive reports from Cabinet Members moved en bloc, under Standing Order 11.2 Members of the Council may ask questions of Cabinet Members on their reports and Portfolio areas. The order of putting questions shall commence with a Member from the largest opposition group, proceeding in descending order to the smallest opposition group, followed by a non-aligned Member and finally a Member from the ruling group. This order shall repeat until the time for questions has elapsed or there are no more questions to be put.
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses shall not exceed 50 minutes for all Cabinet Members, excluding the Leader
The period of time for putting questions and receiving responses to the Leader shall not exceed 15 minutes.
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
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Councillor Dark presented the Cabinet Members reports en bloc in order for Councillors to ask their questions.
Councillor Blunt responded to a question from Councillor Parish on the costs incurred on the Parkway scheme and referred members to the forthcoming Cabinet report on 3 August.
Councillor Lawrence responded to Councillor Howman’s question asking whether buy back clauses would be added to council land when sold. He undertook to look at each piece of land individually.
Councillor Kunes in response to Councillor Devereux confirmed that the food waste collections would resume from 19 July.
Councillor Blunt, in response to Councillor Ryves question on whether Parkway grant money would have to be repaid if planning permission was refused, explained that if permission was refused other things may come into force, but it would still need planning permission.
Councillor Mrs Collop asked when she would receive a response from Councillor Middleton on questions she had raised. Councillor Middleton explained he had been away for personal reasons but would respond shortly.
Councillor D Tyler asked if there was any update on the CIL Spending Panel which Councillor Blunt confirmed there would be a meeting on 22 July carrying out training and looking applications. He gave an update on the numbers of applications and announced that the total fund was £1.9m, and £388,000 had been distributed to parishes to date.
Councillor Rust asked who had taken the decision to include facilities for the pontoons in the Town Fund Bid. Councillor Kunes confirmed that the newly extended pontoons were used more regularly now with RIBs mooring there, fishing trips fun from them, and seal trips planned, he confirmed that unless facilities were available leisure craft would not wish to use them.
Councillor A Tyler asked what the contractual financial implications of temporarily withdrawing a service were. Councillor Kunes undertook to find out and let him know.
In response to a question from Councillor Collingham, Councillor Sandell gave an update on the summer of play planned by Alive for young people and families, they would be advertised over social media.
In response to Councillor Squire’s question on when enforcement would be carried out on fly tippers, Councillor Kunes confirmed that a successful prosecution had been made, and forensic evidence was being collected to try to prosecute.
Councillor Long undertook to look into the broken tap at Gaywood cemetery as pointed out by Councillor Mrs Collop.
In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Nockolds regarding the tolling programme of public convenience refurbishments, Councillor Long confirmed all facilities were being examined and some identified so that adult changing facilities could be provided over a phased basis for those with mobility issues.
Councillor Blunt agreed to provide an update for Councillor Morley as to when the Council would receive an update on the Council’s wholly owned companies. Councillor Middleton explained that a review of the structures was currently being undertaken looking at best practice. The report would be forthcoming.
In response to Councillors Kemp and Ryve’s questions why the KLIC no longer provided business advice Councillor Middleton reminded members that NEWS the business advisors no longer owned the building but the Council did after they defaulted on their loan and it was necessary to ensure the building paid its way.
The Leader’s question time now commenced.
Councillor Kemp asked a question regarding the fact that as she felt the County Council would sell the library building, would the Borough Council look for another option to enhance its viewing. Councillor Dark responded that the current building was not fit for a 21 century library hub, he confirmed he was having discussions with the County Council and would report back when in a position to do so.
Councillor Mrs Wilkinson reported having problems with the CCG getting meetings regarding Fairstead Surgery and asked for the Leaders assistance. He undertook to assist where he could.
In response to a question from Councillor Bower on the new local members fund being set up, Councillor Dark explained that in line with the scheme run by the County Council he proposed to provide a fund for each councillor to enable them to support small grass roots scheme within their communities.
Councillor Dark undertook to come back to Councillor Morley on his question relating to the cost benefit analysis of the schemes proposed in the Town Fund.
In response to a question of whether the Council would commemorate if England won the Euros, Councillor Dark confirmed that the Town Hall would be lit up red and white on Saturday and Sunday.
Councillor Dark undertook to ask Cllr Dickinson to respond to Councillor Ryves’ question on whether she the Member Major Projects Board was central to the audit function.
In response to Councillor de Whalley’s question re engaging the public in the emerging climate change strategy, Councillor Dark confirmed they would be looking to engage as many people as possible, the detail of which would be forthcoming.
In response to a question from Councillor Joyce regarding the disposal of Council assets without the ward member being aware, Councillor Dark confirmed portfolio holders would be careful around assets.
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