In accordance with Standing Order 11.1 to receive reports from Cabinet Members in the following order and under Standing Order 11.2 (a) Members of the Council may ask questions of the Cabinet Member on their reports and Portfolio areas:
(Councillors are reminded that this is a question and answer session not a debate.)
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Following the approval of CAB245 Draft Standing Order 11.2a, Councillor Long presented all Cabinet Members reports together. Questions were asked of Cabinet Members by Councillors in the following order as set out in the new standing order:
Independent, Labour, Non Aligned and Conservative.
Councillor Nockolds answered questions on the effect on the area and the facilities available for those participating in wild camping which was being encouraged by the government. Attention was drawn to the liaison being carried out by the Police and County Council on parking along the coastline, she presumed suitable licenses would have to be obtained. To assist people in the Hunstanton area a paramedic was situated in Hunstanton to ensure faster response than from King’s Lynn.
Councillor Kunes responded to questions on Gayton Road cemetery and confirmed that investigations were being undertaken to provide land for a new cemetery. He undertook to provide detail on the reasoning behind soil being added to graves at Gayton Road cemetery.
Councillor Kunes gave an update on the decarbonisation funding of almost £4m which had been awarded to the Council from the Government.
Councillors Nockolds and Middleton responded to questions relating to movement of the Men’s Shed accommodation which was provided free for them by the Council.
Councillor Gidney responded to questions on the proposed Parkway scheme and the planting of trees, he confirmed that the mitigation proposals were planting 3 trees for every 1 removed along with including reed beds.
Councillor Blunt confirmed that the 2011 core strategy and 2016 site allocations were being used until an Inspector had considered the new documents. He confirmed the 5 year land supply was healthy although the housing delivery test did not reflect the impact of the pandemic.
Councillor Gidney responded to a question on the potential of building of a hospital on new ground and gave project delivery information.
Councillor Lawrence gave updated figures on the Homechoice statistics and confirmed that the only real way to bring the numbers on the list down was to provide more homes.
Councillor Middleton responded to a question on Digital Breckland confirming that the council was helping many small businesses.
Councillor Kunes, in response to a question on urban wildlife, made reference to habitat mitigation work and undertook to provide some information on this. Councillor Gidney confirmed that in the Parkway application some areas would be wild, others managed and would include ponds and boxes for wildlife.
As part of the Leaders questions Councillor Long reminded members that the questions on the finances of NWES had been discussed in exempt session previously but should not be discussed in open session, except that as members were aware arrangements had been made with them to repay their loan..
In response to a comment about eel pathways in waterways, Councillor Long confirmed that the new pumping station being built had a separate pathway for eels.
Following a question on steps taken to promote a positive relationship with the County Council to encourage investment in the Borough, Councillor Long drew attention to the schemes the County Council had invested in, and confirmed there was a god relationship with the County Council.
Following a question on the retirement of Chief Constable Simon Bailey from Norfolk Police Councillor Long commended Chief Constable Bailey on his long and commendable service to the county and confirmed the new Police and Crime Commissioner would appoint his successor.
In response to a question on whether the building of a new hospital was essential and whether a letter could be sent to Government and the support of parishes sought, Councillor Long confirmed that he was on record making the argument for a new hospital as a matter of urgency, with the growth to the area it needed a new facility to match. All parties supported the approach.
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