To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.
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The Mayor invited public questions under standing order 9.
Mr Alistair Kent
"Can the Council confirm that residents with EU Settled Status or Pre-settled Status will be eligible to vote in the forthcoming County Council elections?"
Councillor Long responded that there were multiple elections in May, and that those of settled status would be eligible to vote if they had registered.
By way of supplementary, Mr Kent asked if information would be made available to electors in their own language. Councillor Long responded that there would be national guidance and campaigns which would be made available.
Mr Ivor Rowlands
"Shakespeare’s Guildhall Trust (SGT) is a body with significant and relevant expertise in arts, theatre, history, heritage, education, and business, and has widespread community support. The vision of SGT is to establish St George's Guildhall as a community asset, supported by its role as a nationally and internationally significant heritage attraction. To achieve this, the Guildhall should be centrally and actively managed with a single strong common purpose for all activities on site, including food and beverage. SGT wants to work with and support all other parties to make the Guildhall sustainable and cease to be a burden on council finances. Many councillors and members of the public have responded positively to our recently published Vision, and we are grateful for the ideas, suggestions, and cash donations we are receiving.
What can Shakespeare’s Guildhall Trust now do to make our Vision a reality?"
Councillor Nockolds responded:
The Council has a Vision and a Plan for the Guildhall Creative Complex.
The reason for this is because the Council held several excellent Guildhall Working Party meetings. During the meetings all Stakeholders attended and informed members of how they use the Guildhall and what is their expectation of their future use.
A conclusion of those meetings went to the R & D Panel. The Vision and the Plan came from those meetings.
SGT are in a privileged position for the following reasons.
A) I understand you receive reduced hire fee every time you use the Guildhall. The Council agreed to this to help you, as a new Charity, to produce a programme of events.
B) You were invited to attend a meeting with 2 Council officers during March 2020, just before the first lockdown. At that meeting you gave an undertaking that you would respect the confidentiality of the information you were given as there were legal implications to much of it.
The Plan, such as the Management structure , the whole capital scheme, costs etc, the proposal to the HLF and the Arts Council and the Lead Co-ordinator of the Activity Plan was explained to you.
Unfortunately I am now informed that you have produced a 'Vision' which directly stems from the confidential meeting, therefore it mirrors ours as if it were your own.
The SGT along with all stakeholders, some who have Charitable objects similar to yours, are an important part of our Plan.
Your Charitable objects states 'To advance the Arts', To advance education in Visual and Performing Arts and 'To advance education in Theatrical History and Traditions associated with the town. This is your vision, which the Council supported and our Plan will help you to achieve it.
The Council will continue seeking funds to bring about the successful conclusion to our Plan and at the same time work in partnership with the National Trust.