Agenda item


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In presenting the report, the Assistant to the Chief Executive drew the Panel’s attention to the key issues set out in the report.  Indicators had been included to monitor key council services and impacts on borough wide issues.  These indicators were linked to the Covid-19 Recovery Strategy and were grouped under the Corporate Business Plan’s priorities.  It was explained that performance indicators had been presented to Panels on a quarterly basis before Covid, but now being reported on a monthly basis meant that the data was incomplete.  The report today set out data up to October 2020.  Quarter 3 data up to 31 December 2020 would be presented to the Panel at its next meeting on 17 February 2021.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the Council’s response to Covid-19, resources may be redirected from recovery to focus on response activities and indicators that were heavily influenced by external factors and could deteriorate over coming months.


Officers present responded to questions in relation to:


·         New performance indicators and comparative data not being available.

·         1.1 - average number of working days sickness absence per FTE employee relating to Covid.

·         2.4 - % of rent arrears on industrial estates.

·         2.5 - % of rent achievable on retail/general units.

·         5.4 - King’s Lynn car park revenue.

·         5.5 - Heacham and Hunstanton car park revenue.


In response to a question from Councillor Beal on receiving a breakdown on the Heacham and Hunstanton car park revenue, the Assistant to the Chief Executive invited Councillor Beal to submit his request through the Members’ Enquiry in box and she would ensure this was directed to the relevant officer to provide the information.


In response to questions raised relating to the council’s fees and charges, the Chief Executive explained that the council would not recover the full loss of income because the government grant scheme had a 5% deductible amount which the council had to absorb and thereafter 75p in the £ for the relevant loss.


Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 regarding meaningful and beneficial indicators to provide an understanding of the council’s financial position.


In response to the comments made by Councillor Ryves, the Chair provided an overview of the discussion he had held with the Section 151 Officer on how finance key performance indicators could be presented to the Panel at each meeting, which would not involve officers undertaking additional work, to give Members a better understanding on the councils’ financial position.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the performance indicators based on the priorities in the council’s Corporate Business Plan, which had been agreed by the Panel and Cabinet had been developed to evidence that the council was achieving what was set out in the corporate business plan.  The Performance Team was currently looking at developing a report on the state of the Borough, which would be presented to the Corporate Performance Panel on an annual basis.  It was noted that the budget would be presented to a Joint Panels meeting during January 2021.


The Chief Executive added that she supported the comments made by Councillor Ryves on budget monitoring and undertook to discuss with the Section 151 Officer as to how this information could be presented to the Panel.


In response to a question raised by the Chair on 2.8 – the number of new homes delivered and the definition of a new home, the Portfolio Holder for Development explained that a new home was complete when council tax could be collected.


Following a question on 6.4 – number of unique website visitors for Lily, the Assistant to the Chief Executive undertook to forward a response direct to the Chair.


Councillor Dickinson advised that at the last meeting of the Audit Committee it was agreed that it would receive regular budget monitoring reports and to avoid duplication any other monitoring could be presented to the Corporate Performance Panel.


Following questions from the Chair on the Disabled Facilities Grant, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that she would listen to the debate of the Environment and Community Panel and provide a response direct.  The Assistant to the Chief Executive added that if the Panel wished to receive the information on the external factors relating to this grant that this could be included in future reports.


Under Standing Order 34, Councillor Morley SO34 addressed the Panel in relating to the Corporate Business Plan Priorities 1 and 3.


The Chair thanked the Assistant to the Chief Executive for presenting the report and all officers to responding to the questions raised.


RESOLVED:  The Panel reviewed and noted the Council’s performance indicators for the 2020/21 year.  Performance against these indicators will continue to be reported to the Corporate Performance Panel via periodic updates.


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