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The Chair invited John Greenhalgh to present the report from the Informal Working Group.
He explained that the Working Group consisting of Councillors Bone, Kemp and Rust met with officers on two occasions 15 September and 14 October.
At the meeting held on 15 September the Working Group received a report from Nathan Johnson listing and detailing the existing play areas in King’s Lynn. As a result and prior to making a decision, the Informal Working Group decided to visit the play / recreational areas listed for a visual survey.
At the meeting held on 14 October 2020, the Informal Working Group reported back on the visual survey and received example costings for various pieces of equipment and also estimates for repairs and improvements to the Wisbech Road Play area.
The Working Group were also informed that in addition to the £30,000 capital funds held within the 2020/2021 budget, a further £20,000 was estimated to be available as a result of an underspend on Special Expenses following the decision to utilise South Lynn Community Centre for staffing purposes during Covid-19.
The Assistant Director drew the Committee’s attention to the recommendations, outlined in the report.
The Chair then invited Councillor Rust, a member of the Informal Working Group to outline their recommendations.
Councillor Rust commented that in fact King’s Lynn, as a whole, was well provided for and the Council should be proud of what was available for children and young people.
Councillor Rust also thanked Nathan Johnson for the information that he had provided to the Informal Working Group.
Councillor Rust reminded the Committee that at the last Special Expenses Meeting, the Committee had voted to allocate £30,000 to South Lynn. Cabinet then agreed that the £30,000 should be allocated across the whole of King’s Lynn area.
She added that Councillor Kemp had put forward a strong case for her area, but the Informal Working Group had identified other areas which required further play equipment. It was also noted that there was a lack of equipment for those with access needs.
Some of the issues that had been raised related to maintenance issues rather than capital, which the budget of £30,000 was for.
Councillor Rust felt that the Informal Working Group should continue to review the play equipment in King’s Lynn and develop areas for young people.
Councillor Rust urged the Committee to endorse the recommendations set out in the report.
Councillor Kemp also endorsed the recommendations and stated that she also considered that the Informal Working Group should continue with an ongoing review of play areas.
The Chair then invited questions from the Committee.
Following a comment from Councillor Mrs Wilkinson, the Assistant Director stated that it would be important to keep this Informal Working Group going and maintenance issues could also be looked at as part of the review.
Councillor Mrs Collop informed the Committee that there had been a lot of anti-social behaviour at Orchard Crescent, which was connected to the play area in Orchard Crescent. The Police had been involved and there was a meeting scheduled for the following week with Ward Councillors and other parties.
Councillor Howman added that he felt that there was good provision within Fairstead and King’s Reach at the moment. However, he did have concerns relating to Doorstep Green in Fairstead, which was a one-off funding programme, and there was currently nothing being done to maintain it. He asked whether this area could be brought back into Council ownership. The Assistant Director asked Councillor Howman to email him the details and this could be placed on the Committee’s Work Programme.
Councillor Kemp added that there were also two small areas within her Ward, and added that the Informal Working Group it was important to pick-up these areas as part of the on-going review.
Councillor Joyce stated that he did not have an issue with providing extra play equipment especially in West Lynn, however he did have concerns relating to the provision of CCTV and a higher fence for the South Lynn Play area.
Councillor Kemp outlined to the Committee the reasons why she had requested CCTV and the fence for the South Lynn Community Centre. She stated that this is what the residents of South Lynn had called for.
Councillor J Collop referred to the £20,000 that was available for Edma Street and Queen Elizabeth Avenue and asked for a breakdown of the equipment to go in each area. Councillor Rust explained that Nathan Johnson would be providing some costings and equipment to provide best value. Councillor Collop asked to be copied into the costings and proposals, which was agreed.
Councillor Joyce proposed an amendment to the recommendation that £19,000 be made available for play equipment for South and West Lynn and £11,000 to be available for CCTV to be deployed where deemed necessary, which was seconded by Councillor Dickinson.
Councillor Rust queried that the recommendation from the Informal Working Group also included a fence.
The Democratic Services Officer then carried out a roll call on the amended recommendation and, after having been put to the vote, was lost.
The Democratic Services Officer then carried out a roll call on the recommendation contained within the report and, after having been put to the vote, was carried, and it was:
RESOLVED: (1) That £30,000 to made available for the South and West Lynn areas. Approximately £11,000 for CCTV and fence repairs at the Wisbech Rd play area and approximately £19,000 for new equipment.
(2) That £20,000 to made available for additional equipment at Edma St and Queen Elizabeth Ave Play areas.
Note: Nathan Johnson will provide Members with more detailed reports of what play equipment is achievable within these financial limits.
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