Agenda item


The Regeneration Project Officer presented the report.  She reminded the Panel that they had previously received information on the project at their meeting in July 2015.  This report detailed the development of the stage 2 application for the Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for People funding programme for the Seafront Gardens and associated open spaces of the Green in Hunstanton.


The Panel were provided with plans of the scheme as attached.


The Chairman thanked the Regeneration Project Officer for the report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Bower thanked the officers involved in this project for their hard work in preparing the proposals.  She referred to one of the entrances to Esplanade Gardens opposite the Golden Lion and commented that she had noticed that sometimes it was difficult to access for people with wheelchairs or buggies. 


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds informed those present that she had visited the area recently and was surprised with the amount of people making use of the gardens, especially during the winter.  Therefore, it was important to ensure that the area remained fit for use with improvements to shelters and good quality seating areas.  She commented that the success of the Heritage Lottery Fund application was vital for the area.


Councillor Mrs Watson referred to the steps in the area and the current lack of handrails which could make access difficult.  The Regeneration Project Officer explained that, as part of the development work, an accessible route would be made available throughout the gardens.  Stepped areas would be improved and footpaths widened as required.


Councillor Crofts referred to the public conveniences outside of the café and asked what improvements would be carried out to them.  The Regeneration Project Officer explained that there were two sets of public conveniences within the area and both would undergo internal refurbishment along the same lines as the cliff top toilets.  Improvements would be made to the external façade and this was detailed within the Activities Plan.  The Executive Director, Commercial Services explained that £25,000 had been allocated for toilet refurbishment.  If the Stage 2 application was successful HLF funding could be levered in and £100,000 would be available for toilet refurbishment.


Councillor Bubb referred to a recent Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel meeting he had attended.  Issues relating to dog fouling and the need to keep dogs on leads in the area had been raised.  The Regeneration Project Officer explained that there were already dog bins in the area and on the clifftops and these were not in need of replacement.  The Executive Director, Commercial Services agreed to check the arrangements for dog control in the area. 


Following the meeting it was confirmed that the only area with a dog control zone was along the Seafront.  A plan showing the dog control areas in Hunstanton is attached to the Minutes.


In response to a question from Councillor Howland, it was confirmed that there were six sets of public conveniences in Hunstanton and at peak times they were usually all very busy.  The Executive Director, Commercial Services explained that there was no resource available for additional maintenance and cleaning of the facilities.  He reminded the Panel that they would be considering public conveniences at a future Panel meeting.  The Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs Wright asked if consideration could be given to putting notices up in the public toilets to ask users to leave them clean.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Mrs Wright, it was confirmed that events were planned every weekend during the summer season on the bandstand and programming was dealt with by Resort Services staff.  The Regeneration Project Officer explained that as part of the Activity Plan additional events and entertainment would be provided on the bandstand.


The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Mellish asked what would happen if the stage 2 bid was unsuccessful.  The Executive Director, Commercial Services explained that limited budget would be available to carry out urgent repairs, such as to the butterfly shelters which sometimes had to be closed if it was windy.  He acknowledged the amount of work which had been carried out to bring the application forward and hoped that it was successful.  He reminded the Panel that the Stage 1 application had been approved.


The Regeneration Project Officer agreed to look at the wall near the Anchor bed as Councillor Mrs Watson had commented that it was in a poor state and collapsing.


The Portfolio Holder for ICT, Leisure and Public Space, Councillor Pope commented that there was lots of work required in the area, and this was a good opportunity to lever in additional funding to improve the area.


RESOLVED: The Panel considered the proposals for the HLF scheme and budgetary implications in order to inform the Cabinet Members Decision on moving forward with the scheme.

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