Agenda item

To consider the remaining items from the meeting held on 14 August 2020 (to commence with LP23).


Please click link below to view published Agenda:




Click here to view a recording of the meeting


Councillors A Kemp (left the meeting at 11.36 am) and A Ryves were present under Standing Order 34 and asked questions/made comments.


The officers highlighted the changes to the policies set out below and responded to questions and comments.


The Task Group considered the following policies:


LP23 Renewable Energy Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP24 Sites in Area of Flood Risk Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


The following amendments were agreed:


·         Page 135, 6 and 7– amend ‘should’ to ‘must’.

·         Page 135, 7(c) and (d) - to be reviewed in consultation with Anglian Water and the Environment Agency.

·         Amend ‘is’ to ‘are’ in 7c, 2nd line

·         Preamble 6.11.6– include reference to role of Internal Drainage Boards, Middle Level Commissioners and other bodies who are involved in the water management process.

·         Amend wording to refer to Annex B or the latest version of it.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy, subject to the amendments set out above.


LP25 Protection of Local Open Space Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


The following amendments were agreed:


·         Paragraph to be included recognising the deficit of open space and that the Borough Council would seek ways to address the deficit.

·         Amend clause 2 of the policy by including ‘locally’ after ‘replacement in 3rd line.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy, subject to the amendments set out above.


LP26 Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


The following amendments were agreed:




·         Reference be made that the policy would be updated relating to RAMS, if required, in the future.

·         Officers to investigate wording for potential increase in Habitats Regulation Levy. 

·         Make reference to the detailed Council guidance note on habitat payments be included.

·         Include a note to say that the designated sites may change and these will be protected by the policy automatically.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy, subject to the amendments set out above.


LP27 Policies


The Task Group was advised that the following policies were still being progressed:


·         LP27 Housing Policies.

·         LP27a Older People Housing and Specialist Care.

·         LP27b Accessible and Adaptable Homes.


LP28 Residential Development Reasonably Related to Existing Settlements Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) outlined the changes.


The following amendment was agreed:


·         Small scale development be defined.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy, subject to the amendment set out above.


LP29 Houses in Multiple Occupation Policy


The Chair advised that the Task Group had considered this policy at a previous meeting.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP30 Enlargement or Replacement of Dwellings in the Countryside Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) outlined the changes and explained that this policy had been considered by the Task Group at a previous meeting.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP31 Housing Needs of Rural Workers Policy


The Chair advised that the Task Group had considered this policy at a previous meeting.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP32 Residential Annexes Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) presented the above policy.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP33 Delivering Affordable Housing on Phased Development


The Task Group was advised that this policy would be merged with LP27, work on which was still being progressed.


LP34 Community and Culture Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.


LP35 Community Facilities Policy


The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer outlined the changes.


RESOLVED:  The Task Group agreed the policy.