Agenda item

To consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.


Click here to view the recording of this item on You Tube.


The Environmental Health Manager presented the draft Climate Change Policy.


The Chair thanked the Environmental Health Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Kemp proposed that an Informal Working Group be set up so that Members could input into the commitments being put forward.  This was seconded by Councillor de Whalley. 


In response to questions from Councillor Kemp, the Environmental Health Manager explained that the Panel was being presented with the Policy and the Strategy and Action Plan would follow once the Policy had been adopted and this is where specifics would be included.  He referred to the Green Infrastructure Group which were assisting with development of the Strategy and flood risk was more of a planning issue so should be raised through the Local Plan.


Councillor Squire referred to the wording ‘adapting’ within the policy and commented that it should be amended to ‘preparing’ in order to be more proactive.


Councillor Morley commented that the Policy should recognise the action that the Council had already taken and felt that the Policy should make more of a commitment rather than just identifying, understanding and reviewing.  The Environmental Health Manager explained that there would be an action plan and strategy which would provide more details and provide detailed equality impact assessments.


Councillor de Whalley commented that the Policy needed further development and asked for further clarification of certain items and definitions within the Policy document.


In response to a query from Councillor Bambridge it was explained that currently the Policy was programmed for review every three years.  Councillor Bambridge also commented that it was important to get public involvement in the strategy and action plan.


The Vice Chair, Councillor Bower commented that there should be a preamble in the Policy to promote what the Council had already done to address Climate Change. 


Councillor Bullen commented that it was important that work was carried out with other organisations, neighbours and Norfolk County Council.


The Panel discussed the proposal put forward regarding the creation of an Informal Working Group.  Concern was expressed that there had been no Member involvement in the creation of the Policy and that Members should have the opportunity to input into the action plan and strategy.


Councillor Kunes asked for clarification on what the role of the Informal Working Group as he felt that it was important that adoption of the Climate Change Policy happened as soon as possible so that the next stage of work could be carried out.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long reminded Members that a Climate Change Policy had been presented at the request of the Council, following a Notice of Motion which had been referred to Cabinet and would be going back to Council.  Cabinet had requested that the Policy be created, and the Leader stressed that it was important not to delay adoption of this Policy as it was vitally important to all.  He did not want formation of an Informal Working Group to cause a delay in this.  He commented that once the Policy had been adopted then the Panel could have input into the action plan and strategy.



1.    That the Panel recommend to Cabinet that the Climate Change Policy be adopted.

2.    That an Informal Working Group be set up to monitor the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan.

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