To respond to a request from a Member to bring an item to the attention of the Panel.
Officer report to follow.
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The Public Open Space Manager presented the report which was included in the Agenda.
The Chair thanked the Public Open Space Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.
Councillor Squire commented that it was important that the policy applied to all council land, not just for those that hired land/facilities. She also supported the addition of a ban of flying rings on Borough Council beaches. She acknowledged that it would be difficult, but she would like to see fines introduced.
Councillor de Whalley supported the addition of banning flying rings. He also explained that there was a risk of using flying rings near all water courses.
Councillor Kunes explained that he had researched this issue and was now aware of how much of an impact balloons could have on all types of wildlife.
Councillor Bubb commented that ‘mass’ should be replaced by ‘all’ with regard to balloon releases. The Public Open Space Manager explained that he could look at the wording. The Assistant Director reminded the Panel that the Council had no enforcement powers in this area, instead the Councils role was to advise, educate and inform. They also needed to be sensitive, but at the same time making sure that the Councils message was well known.
Councillor Bambridge explained that this was a good first step and it should be reviewed in a couple of years time to see if it could be expanded further.
Councillor Parish suggested that a press release be issued to raise public awareness.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Long referred to the sale of balloons on council land. The Assistant Director reminded those present that street traders should have a licence and it would be difficult to restrict the sale of balloons, however it could be included in future Mart agreements if it was something that the Panel wanted to take forward.
It was clarified that ‘mass’ release referred to more than one balloon.
Councillor Squire explained that the Norfolk County Council Balloon and Lantern Charter website provided information on alternatives to balloon and lantern releases and access to publicity materials.
RESOLVED: The Panel supported the following be recommended to Cabinet:
1. Change the wording in the Code of Conduct to include a ban on mass release of balloons and sky lanterns by anyone on Borough Council land.
2. Include the ban on mass release in the Terms and Conditions of Hire, presently under development.
3. Borough Council to sign up to the Norfolk County Council Balloon and Lantern Release Charter.
4. Provide and promote links to alternatives to the mass release of balloons and sky lanterns such as those provided by the RSPCA.
5. To ban the use of flying rings on Borough Council Beaches and liaise with the friends of Horsey Seals to encourage public education including retailers.
6. To establish a Code of Conduct for the ban on flying rings.
Supporting documents: