To consider the remaining items from the meeting held on 5 August 2020.
Please click link below to view published Agenda:
Click here to view a recording of this item on You Tube
Councillors A Kemp and C Morley were present under Standing Order 34 and asked questions/made comments.
The officers highlighted the changes to the policies set out below and responded to questions and comments.
The Task Group considered the following policies
LP16 Norfolk Coast AONB Policy
The Assistant Planner shared the screen and highlighted a slight change in the formatting to the policy following publication of the Agenda and printed version of the Local Plan.
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the above policy.
LP17 Coastal Change Management Area (Hunstanton to Dersingham) Policy
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the above policy, subject to the following amendments:
· Page 103 in point 2(g) and point 4 remove the word ‘materially’.
· Glossary – definition of AEP be inserted.
· Supplementary text to be included in supporting text of the policy to explain AEP (1 in 200 AEP event) and monitoring, review of flood risk/climate change projections and replacement caravan licensing requirements
· Last sentence of s(g) on page 103 (Proposals must not result in an increase in the number of bedrooms over and above the number in the original dwelling) will be inserted into 3 and change the last part of the sentence to ‘original caravan.’
LP18 Design and Sustainable Development Policy
The Principal Planner (Policy) and Water Management Officer shared the screen and highlighted the changes in green following publication of the Agenda.
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the above policy, subject to the following amendment:
· Reference be made to the Biodiversity Action Plan at 6.4.4 in the supporting text.
· ‘Should’ be deleted and be replaced with ‘must’ in point 1 of the Policy.
LP19 Environmental Assets – Green Infrastructure, Landscape Character, Biodiversity and Geodiversity Policy
LP19a Environmental Assets – Historic Environment Policy
LP20 Environment, Design and Amenity
Policies LP19, 19a and 20 were considered together.
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the above policies, in principle, subject to the following amendments:
· LP19 – remove word ‘should’ and replace with ‘must’ in point 4 on soils.
· Explanation of renewables to be added in supplementary text.
· In relation to point 4 of LP19 - Revised wording to be provided relating to soil.
· Explanation of neighbouring sites to be included in supplementary text.
The Task Group adjourned at 11.00 am and reconvened at 11.05 am.
LP21 Provision of Recreational Open Space for Residential Developments Policy
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the above policy, subject to the explanatory text being included; regarding the recognition and importance of open space for health and wellbeing which we have experienced. Expand on this reference in the policy where appropriate in relation to residential developments.
At 12 noon the Task Group passed a resolution to continue to sit to complete the following item of business.
LP22 Green Infrastructure Policy
RESOLVED: The Task Group agreed the policy subject to the following amendments:
· Page 125, 6.9.4 – text relating to deficit be revised to include the Council recognised the deficiencies and working towards addressing the issue.
· Extend point 1 of the policy to say that “the Council will aim to meet existing deficiencies” or a similar statement along these lines.
· Explanatory text to include definition of European protected sites and explain the difference between European, national and regional designations.
Councillor Crofts proposed that point 5 remained exactly as it was, but there was no seconder for the proposal.
· Councillor Joyce referred to page 128 and proposed that all the text after the comma in point 5 be deleted, which included all wording under ‘except: a, b, i, ii, iii,’. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Moriarty.
The Task Group voted on the above proposal which was carried.
The Chair explained that the remainder of the policies listed in the Agenda commencing with LP23 would be considered at the next meeting on 2 September 2020.
Supporting documents: