Agenda item


The Senior Policy and Performance Officer presented the report which set out the changes to the Corporate Risk Register since the last monitoring report on 3 June 2019.  It gave details of the risks falling into the ‘Very High’ category and the associated work being progressed to mitigate the effects.


The Committee was advised that following the review, the risk scores for 2 entries had been reduced.  It was also proposed that 1 risk was added to the register and 4 risks were refocused.


Members’ attention was drawn to section 2 of the report – Changes to the Corporate Risk Register.


In response to questions regarding the stabilisation payments to the Norfolk Pension Fund, the Assistant Director – Resources (S151 Officer) explained that the impact of stabilisation payments smoothed the Council’s contribution profile and together with one off upfront payments reduced the impact of the risk over the 3 year valuation period.  It was highlighted that the Council reviewed the figures on a 3 year basis and contributions adjusted where necessary.


In response to questions from Councillor Kemp on longevity and a reduction in staff, the Assistant Director – Resources (S151 Officer) explained that the actuarial valuation was based on projections in the local area; that calculations were aligned with the Borough Council data profile and outlined the other factors that were considered during the valuation.


The Leader provided feedback from a recent meeting he had attended in relation to the Norfolk Pension Fund and explained that the latest revision had been positive and less risk had been involved.


The Chair asked if the Borough Council paid a different Employer rate than other Norfolk local authorities.  In response, the Assistant Director – Resources (S151 Officer) explained that the calculations were based on the demographics of staff within the Council, but highlighted that there would be similarities.


The Leader added that the Borough Council made a payment for a 3 year period in order to save interest.


In response to questions regarding digital access, the Leader explained that the Borough Council also provided paper copies, offered telephone advice, appointments at Council offices and a visiting officer for those residents who were not able to access services on the website, details of which he had included in his recent report to Council.


Councillor Jones referred to page 11 – Cyber security attack and commented that in his view this should be higher on the Risk Register and the score – green - was incorrect.  The Senior Policy and Performance Officer undertook to feed the information back to the relevant officer.


In response to further questions from Councillor Jones on legacy systems not being able to be upgraded, the Assistant Director – Resources (S151 Officer) explained that Microsoft had offered an extension to support systems.  The Leader added Councillor Jones had raised a valid point in relation to the risk rating score.  The Senior Policy and Performance Officer suggested that ICT be invited to attend a future meeting to advise of mitigation measures.


The Chair reported that members of the Audit Committee were not able to access internal audit reports on Insite.  Officers advised that each Member contact IT to arrange to bring in their IPad to resolve any issues being experienced.


In response to a question on business rates risk relating to the reference to contingency within the council’s accounts.  The Assistant Director – Resources commented that she believed an appeal had been lodged nationally regarding the National Health Trust, but undertook to check the details.  The Chair asked if this issue could be included in the Statement of Accounts training on 20 April 2020. 


In response to questions regarding the King’s Lynn Innovation Centre (KLIC), the Senior Policy and Performance Officer advised that a number of risks relating to KLIC had been entered in the Risk Register.


RESOLVED:  The Committee considered the contents of the Corporate Risk register and confirmed agreement with Management Team’s assessment of the risks to the corporate objectives.



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