Agenda item


Councillor Blunt presented his report.  He gave an update informing members he had recently attended the Knight’s Hill Planning Enquiry, at which it had been possible to get the scope of heritage assets for the area to include St James’ Church and Castle Rising Lodge and its setting.  A decision was expected to be passed to the Secretary of State in April, with an early summer final decision.


He also showed the national award received by the Council for its Custom and Self Build process.  He congratulated all officers and members involved in it.


Councillor Kemp made a comment on a mistake on the plan of the Local Transport Plan in the Regeneration and Development agenda which had now been amended.  She considered that the impact of opening Harding’s Way to emergency traffic or to all traffic as dangerous, to disabled people, pedestrians and the school and requested it be removed.  Councillor Blunt responded that the plan amendment had put right a mistake.  The strategy document was a series of different projects going through the consultation process.  They would all have to be reassessed in due course.  It would go through to the next stage and would be considered on its merits.


Councillor de Whalley asked about the proposed Wisbech incinerator which was only just outside the west Norfolk boundary.  He stated it would drop its particulates into the borough which was the direction of the prevailing wind.  Councillor Blunt explained that the decision when taken would not be taken by this authority, but we were being invited to make comments.  He explained that in order that the authority had all the information available the applicants had been asked to present information on their application to ensure there was fair representation and the council could comment.  He encouraged Councillor de Whalley to make his comments as part of the process. 


In response to a question from Councillors Joyce and Rust regarding using the previous experience of fighting an incinerator, Councillor Blunt reminded members that the Council would participate in the consultation process.  Councillor Long reminded members that those required to make the comments needed to be able to look clearly at the evidence provided.


In response to Councillor Parish’s question on the fact that CIL did not apply to self builds so reduced the CIL pot by approximately £1m, Councillor Blunt explained that the Government made the rules around self build and CIL but other funding lines such as council tax came from the self builds.  Councillor Parish also asked if consideration had been given to building new homes on the sustainability level 4.  Councillor Blunt reminded members it was a viability issue of a build which influenced the route taken, but commented that it would be better if the requirement was part of building regulations. 


Councillor Ryves asked if Councillor Blunt agreed that an improved quality of housing stock should be encouraged.  Councillor Blunt reminded members it was part of the Local Plan.


Councillor Howman asked if KLACC were the body  to prepare a neighbourhood plan for King’s Lynn, to which Councillor Blunt informed him that a neighbourhood forum was the body to prepare such a plan.


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