Agenda item


The Operations Manager presented the report which considered current arrangements for Grounds Maintenance in the Borough and potential changes to regimes for 2016.


A copy of a presentation provided to the Panel by the Operations Manager is attached.


The Operations Manager explained that a review of the grass cutting had been carried out.  She informed those present that the grass cutting season ran from March to October/November, which was an average of 35 weeks depending on weather conditions.  During the review it was noted that there was variation in the service delivery from between 18 cuts to 8 cuts per a year and the review looked at how the schedules could be rebalanced to ensure that areas received the same rates of grass cutting.


The Operations Manager explained that a land audit had been conducted using GIS Mapping which detailed the different land types and land ownership.  Land types had then been categorised and a proposed work schedule was created as set out in the report.


The Panel was informed that Norfolk County Council paid the Borough Council to cut some Norfolk County Council owned land in the Borough.  However the payment did not reflect the actual cost.  Norfolk County Council had recently undertaken a review of their grass cutting and was due to reduce the payment that they made to the Borough Council.


The results of the review would also have an impact on Special Expenses.  The charges would be increased, but would be lower than the charge which would have been levied prior to the review.  The Panel was informed that any Special Expense increase would be capped at £10 per financial year.  This would have no effect on Parish Precepts.


To ensure a good standard of cut the mowers due for replacement would be replaced by Flail mowers.


The Chairman thanked the Operations Manager for her report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


The Chairman referred to correspondence which had been received from Councillors Gourlay and Mrs Wilkinson who had raised concern regarding the reduction in cuts within their Ward.  They were concerned that this could make the area look untidy.  The Executive Director explained that it was intended that the grouping of cuts to 18,12 or 6 would match the requirements of an area.


Councillor Squire suggested that work be carried out to increase the amount of roadside nature reserves which would reduce the amount of cuts needed and would promote wildlife and wildflowers.  The Operations Manager explained that this could be investigated in more informal areas and she referred to parts of the Walks which had been left long to encourage wildlife.  The Executive Director explained that the Council had previously bid for EU funding for wildflower planting projects but had been unsuccessful.  Alternative funding sources could be investigated in the future.


In response to a question from Councillor Squire, the Executive Director explained that the proposals would not involve any redundancies as the operation was carried out by Seasonal staff and there would be a reduction in the amount of seasonal staff recruited at the beginning of the season.


Councillor Mrs Collop asked why the Borough Council cut Norfolk County Council areas and did not get paid accordingly for it.  The Executive Director explained that this had been done historically and the Borough Council had maintained the areas to ensure that they remained visually appealing.  The Council could take the option to no longer cut Norfolk County Council land if they felt it was appropriate.


In response to a question from Councillor Bubb, the Executive Director explained that discussions could be held with Parish Councils regarding contracting out grass cutting, but it would be dependent on economies of scale.


The Executive Director advised the Panel that the schedule would likely evolve and would be continually monitored during the season.  The amount of cuts in areas could be increased or decreased as required.


Councillor Smith congratulated officers on production of the map of the Borough and asked if work would be carried out with Freebridge Community Housing to rationalise the amount of cuts on jointly owned land.  The Executive Director confirmed that he would liaise with Freebridge Community Housing regarding the schedules.  The Chairman, Councillor Sampson, who was on Freebridge Community Housing Board explained that he would also raise this at the next meeting.


The Executive Director agreed to provide all Members with a map of their Ward which showed land ownership and land types.  Councillor Bubb requested that the information be sent electronically as a pdf document.


Councillor Hipperson asked if there would be an impact on the cut quality if there was a longer period between cuts and the Operation Manager explained that the mowers would be replaced so that this should not be an issue.


Councillor Westrop referred to the cutting of verges adjacent to properties and the reduction in the amount of cuts.  She noted that residents may wish to cut the areas themselves, but informed those present that some of her residents had been advised not to cut the areas because of insurance and public liability issues.  The Operations Manager agreed to investigate.


The Portfolio Holder for ICT, Leisure and Public Space congratulated the Operations Manager and her team for the work involved in the review.


RESOLVED: (i) The report was noted.

(ii) The Panels comments be taken into consideration.

(iii) An update be provided to the Panel in August 2016 on the revised schedules.

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