The Chief Executive presented the report and explained that Councillor Kemp had requested that a new play area be provided close to Hillen Road in King’s Lynn. It was considered that this could be provided at the South Lynn Community Centre, which could also help to generate more local use of the centre.
It was reported that in the case of this play area, if the scheme was costed at £30,000 (estimated typical cost of a Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP)), then the cost of this could be £2,000 per annum for 15 years - £30,000. The annual revenue cost of the capital would be charged as a Special Expense equivalent to approximately 19p per property per year. There would also be a revenue cost for inspection and maintenance, which would add an estimated further cost of £350 per year, or 3p per Band D equivalent property. The total cost would therefore be approximately 22p per year for 15 years on King’s Lynn Special Expenses.
The Chief Executive explained that the Committee could agree in principle to allocate the above capital sum to go forward in the budget process but may wish to give further consideration to what would be its priorities for capital schemes across the whole of the unparished area. In order to agree priorities across King’s Lynn, the Committee could establish a Sub-Group to report back to the Committee at specified intervals.
Councillor Mrs S Collop asked for clarification, as she understood that South Lynn already had a play area.
Councillor Kemp explained that there was not provision for younger children in South Lynn. She acknowledged that there was a play area along Wisbech Road, but this was not suitable for younger children. There had been instances when young children were playing on the roundabout at Hillen Road. Having the play area situated at South Lynn Community Centre would bring in additional benefits.
Councillor Rust added that in principle she supported play areas and added that she understood that a couple of play areas had been provided on the new development at South Lynn. She added that it might be considered that South Lynn was well provided for.
Councillor Kemp added that the play area on the new development was not accessible for people from Hillen Road, and they did not feel comfortable using it. In addition, there were no pieces of land along Hillen Road where a new play area could be provided. Councillor Kemp referred to the proposed location of the new play area at South Lynn Community Centre, which was a Council owned facility, and considered that the provision of the play area would help to promote the Community Centre and increase its usage.
Councillor Howman added that he felt that everyone else would like additional facilities within their ward and supported the view that a Sub-Group should be established to look at capital schemes overall.
The Leader, Councillor Long suggested that the Committee should look to see if any external funding was available or whether additional equipment could be installed to existing play areas.
The Assistant Director explained that the Executive Director, Commercial had looked into the issue of external funding but it was not available for the Borough Council.
Councillor Kemp agreed with the Assistant Director that external funding was not viable in this instance.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds referred to Pandora Meadows, where a group of parents got together and raised money for play equipment, via the blue disc scheme at Tesco’s. She added that Tesco’s were always looking for community groups for this type of fundraising.
Councillor J Collop raised the issue of the Committee being able to have a say on how the money in King’s Lynn was spent, and that the Committee had to go to Cabinet to ask for any money.
The Leader stated that in previous years there had not been any recommendations from the Committee for Cabinet to consider. He added that in some Parish Councils, it was not the Parish Council themselves who raised the money but, for example, had a Village Hall Committee to do so.
Councillor Kemp referred to the financial assistance scheme and suggested that the schemes available and deadlines for applications should made known to the Committee.
The Committee noted that if the scheme was agreed, this would have an impact upon the special expenses report also being considered at the meeting.
Councillor Rust proposed a third recommendation, that the Committee recommends the allocation of funding from the King’s Lynn special expenses budget for the financial period 2020/2021, for 15 years for a new play area at the South Lynn Community Centre and establishes a Sub-Group to report back to the Committee on priorities for capital schemes within King’s Lynn. This was seconded by Councillor Kemp and agreed by the Committee.
The Committee then made the following recommendations to Cabinet:
(1) That the Committee recommends the allocation of funding from the King’s Lynn special expenses budget for the financial period 2020/2021, for 15 years for a new play area at the South Lynn Community Centre and establishes a Sub-Group to report back to the Committee on priorities for capital schemes within King’s Lynn.
(2) That the Sub-Group consists of Councillors Bone, Kemp and Rust.
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