Agenda item

Representatives from Norfolk Constabulary and Norfolk County Council will provide information to the Panel.


The Panel received a presentation from Dr Mark Osbourne, Prevent Co-ordinator and Dan Wilson, Operations Manager, Child Criminal Exploitation Team at Norfolk County Council on Prevent and Child Criminal Exploitation.


A copy of the presentation is attached.


The Chair thanked the representatives from Norfolk County Council for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Bambridge asked about the Safeguarding duty in Schools.  Dan Wilson outlined the role of schools in relation to the Prevent duty and explained that training would be looked at to ensure that schools were spotting the signs of vulnerability and aware of the reporting process.


Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  In response to his question the County Lines process was outlined and it was explained that if Members had any specific concerns, they should be reported to the Police.


The Panel was informed that Norfolk County Council were looking at how awareness could be raised within the community and workshops were being held around the County to look at what was working well, areas to focus on and how awareness can be raised.


It was explained that Prevent and Child Criminal Exploitation was linked with hate crime and radicalisation.  Nationally and locally hate crime had increased, therefore it was important that information was shared, hence the multi-agency approach.


In response to a question from the Vice Chair, regarding reporting issues, it was explained that the risk would be assessed and reported to the Police who would conduct an initial assessment within five days.  The case would then be presented to the next Channel Panel, which usually met on a monthly basis, however a special meeting could be called if required.


Councillor Moriarty referred to Safeguarding training and it was confirmed that all Members had been offered Safeguarding training, and in accordance with the statutory duty, the relevant officers had also received training.  Mark Osbourne explained that the Home Office had free online training which was available to Councillors and further training could also be provided if necessary.


Councillor de Whalley asked about training in schools and it was explained that there was an early intervention youth fund which had enabled presentations and education to be provided.  Work was also ongoing to look at the provision for transition from primary to secondary school.


Mark Osbourne explained that the Prevent duty applied to schools and that they were also required to promote British Values which included tolerance and democracy etc. How schools were meeting their Prevent duty was assessed as part of Ofsted.


Councillor Wilkinson referred to an incident at a local Pharmacy and it was explained that issues should be reported to the Police as required and the Panel was informed that work was ongoing to look at how awareness could be raised within the community and this could extend to businesses and the private sector, but currently the duty did not apply to them.


Councillor Ryves addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34 and asked for information on the number of individuals involved in Child Criminal Exploitation in West Norfolk.  It was explained that figures were unavailable for West Norfolk, but across the County it was estimated that eighty to ninety young people had been exploited.


Councillor Ryves also asked if there was a leaflet or information sheet which could be made available for inclusion in Parish newsletters.  It was explained that this was something that could be looked at as part of the workshop sessions.


Councillor Kemp asked for information on the process once a risk had been identified.  It was explained that all information and evidence would be collated and the Police would meet with the individual and their family.  The case would also be presented to the Channel Panel so that a multiagency response could be provided.


In response to a question from Councillor Morley it was explained that there was a Prevent Strategy in place which came under the Community Safety Partnership and ways of raising awareness were continuing to be looked at.  It was also explained that Home Office guidance was followed and there was currently limited comparative research available.


Mark Osbourne referred to the increase of individuals who were coming through the system who were on the autistic spectrum.  Councillor Squire referred to the vulnerability of children with autism and asked if Norfolk County Council worked with autism charities and organisations.  Mark Osbourne explained that work was ongoing to engage with different organisations and build resilience and he would welcome the opportunity to provide information and raise awareness with organisations.


RESOLVED: 1. Members with any further queries should contact John Greenhalgh, Environmental Health Manager at the Borough Council.

2. The Panel to receive further updates or training as necessary.




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