To consider the attached report.
The Public Open Space Manager provided the Committee with an update report on budget monitoring and outturn position for Public Open Space Special Expense areas (Allotments, Play Areas and Open Spaces).
Councillor Howman referred to Kings Reach play areas and commented that these had not yet been adopted. The Public Open Space Manager undertook to provide Councillor Howman with the timescales for adopting the whole public open space.
Councillor Kemp asked whether more equipment could be provided on the Poppyfields play area. She also asked whether there would be an opportunity for another play area for smaller children in Hillen Road, South Lynn. The Public Open Space Manager advised that the Council did not have the funding available, but suggested that Councillor Kemp could look for match funding for these schemes, as there might be access to funding that the Council was not eligible for.
In response to a query from Councillor Rust, the Public Open Space Manager advised that the Council did have a Tree Strategy and a tree maintenance budget. He added that work was being carried out with another group to plant more trees.
The Operations Manager explained that 7 trees had been cut down in the Walks.
In relation to unkempt land by a third party, the Assistant Director explained that a Section 215 Notice could be served to require the land to be tidied, but each case would be considered on its own merits.
The Public Open Space Manager explained that the Council would cut back hedges, etc when the nesting season had finished.
The Operations Manager explained that the allotments in North Lynn were owned by the North Lynn Allotments Association, who leased the land from the Borough Council.
In response to a query from Councillor Mrs Wilkinson about the standard of cut at the bollards in Winston Churchill Drive, the Public Open Space Manager advised Councillor Wilkinson to send a request via clean-up. He acknowledged that there had been a staffing issue in that area.
The Chair thanked the Public Open Space Manager, Operations Manager and Admin Assistant for attending the meeting.
AGREED: That the Committee considered the monitoring position and projected outturn of Public Open Space Special Expenses areas for 2019 / 2020 as detailed in the report.
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