Agenda item

CAB53: Boal Quay – Gallery Proposal

CAB54: Nar Ouse Enterprise Zone Implementation and Delivery

CAB55: Heritage Action Zone – Chapel Street



As members had indicated a wish to debate the Cabinet recommendations from 24 September 2019, the reports on which were exempt, the Mayor agreed to move consideration of the item to the end of the meeting.  A vote was taken on whether to exclude the press and public.  The vote was carried.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.


At 20.41 Council adjourned for 5 minutes.


Councillor Long, seconded by Councillor Nockolds proposed the following recommendations, the reports for which were exempt.


CAB53: Boal Quay – Gallery Proposal

In debating the recommendations for the above item, Councillor Moriarty considered that the recommendations of the Regeneration and Environment Panel had not been taken into account, particularly the comment regarding the reference to seeking guarantees of the funding and the quality of the displays etc.  Councillor Long confirmed that the sentiments of the Panel had been accepted by cabinet at the time. 


Councillor Joyce commented that there were other things that could be done with Boal Quay to protect Hardings Way.  He called into question the proposed financial and transfer arrangements.

Councillor Ryves drew attention to the loss of revenue from car parking in the area with the proposed development and questioned the projected visitor numbers for the centre.  He considered it would be too good to be true.


Councillor Kemp questioned: whether due diligence had been carried out, the loss of revenue, the high number of staff due to work there and the re-alignment of Hardings Way, and what artefacts would be held in the building.


Councillor Collingham expressed dismay that some councillors did not want the opportunity for the enhancement of that part of the town.


Councillor Rust denied that opposition members did not want to see arts development, but questioned the contents of the proposal and whether it would come to fruition. 


Councillor Dark drew attention to sweeping statements being made, and reminded members of the opportunity going forward.


Councillor Gidney assured members that due diligence would be carried out, and that the proposal was not something that could be ignored particularly when it fitted in with the cultural direction it was taking.  He assured members that if there was a problem it would be flagged by officers.


Councillor J Collop asked for information and updates to be forthcoming to members on the progress with the project.


Councillor de Whalley suggested that the proposal should be turned down.


Councillor Mrs Nockolds reminded members that the waterfront development had remained static for a number of years, the economic assessment said it would bring visitors to the area. 


On being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.  Councillor Joyce requested his vote against to be recorded.


CAB54: Nar Ouse Enterprise Zone Implementation and Delivery was agreed.


CAB55: Heritage Action Zone – Chapel Street


Councillor Rust disagreed with the proposals in CAB55 due to the loss of car parking spaces.  She did not object to development generally, but to the venue proposed.


Councillor Long explained that the car parking situation was one of the biggest issues Cabinet had with the proposals, but Historic England were supportive of the proposals.  He gave reassurance that the car parking strategy for the town was being examined looking to make provision for growth in the future.


Councillor Jones drew attention to the problems found by North Lynn residents where cars were parked in the area to prevent the payment of parking fees. 


Councillor Joyce commented that he could be persuaded if there was a park and ride in the town, but the proposals would move cars from the existing car park to others which meant he was against the proposal.


Councillor Kemp stated that the Kings Lynn Transport Strategy needed to be considered, she felt that buses stopped coming into town too early, the rise in use of the industrial estates on the edges of the town rather than the town centre didn’t help small businesses. She felt that Cabinet should re-consider the proposal.


Councillor Gidney assured members that the car park situation was under consideration.


Councillor Kunes reminded Members that the multi storey car park was very rarely full.  He also made reference to plans for the development of a further car park.  He confirmed the number of spaces was around 100.


Councillor Squires commented that the types of properties being built did not assist the homeless.


On being put to the vote the recommendation was agreed.


RESOLVED:   That the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting on 24 September 2019 be approved.

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