Agenda item


The Partnership and Funding Officer presented the report and explained that the Borough Council operated a Financial Assistance Scheme to support local community groups.  This included a special ‘themed’ annual fund of £4,000.  Members of the Panel were asked to consider the use of this themed fund for 2019/2020.


The Chairman thanked the Partnership and Funding Officer for her report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Squire suggested that the themed fund should be used to encourage the planting of native trees and wildflowers, including in schools.  The Chairman and Vice Chairman commented that this would be a good idea and the Vice Chairman referred to successful planting schemes which had been carried out in Hunstanton.


Councillor Bubb referred to the suggestion that the fund be used to provide defibrillators.  He commented that these had hidden costs in that the batteries needed to be replaced.


Councillor Mrs Collop suggested that a small amount of the fund available be used to install a memorial bench for the late Councillor Gourlay.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds explained that there was a budget available for tree planting and there was a ‘Street Trees’ project ongoing which encouraged businesses to offer funding for planting, with so far over twenty trees being planted.  She explained that this was a Borough wide scheme.


The Panel was also informed that some of the Government’s Parks and Gardens funding had gone into the Norfolk Community Foundation pot so that organisations and local community groups could bid for funding for projects to enhance parks and gardens.  The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health suggested that this route could be used to apply for funding for a memorial bench.


Councillor Ryves suggested that the themed fund be used for providing meadows on common land.  He also highlighted that 2020 was the 75th anniversary of World War II and funds could be used for memorials.


Councillor Mrs Kemp suggested that the fund could be used for growing flowers in certain gardens to help smarten up areas.  She suggested that seed packets could be provided and used in communal gardens and sheltered housing.


Councillor Tyler suggested that the fund be used to bring music into schools.  This could include donations for young children learning music and providing instruments.  He explained that there was a West Norfolk organisation which provided this and brought in professional musicians to schools.  The Vice Chairman commented that she was aware of this organisation and that they did great work in schools.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health commented that there was already a music hub in Norfolk and encouraged schools that were looking to bring more music in to look at what they could offer.  She also commented that there was a Local Cultural Education Board which was hosted by Creative Arts East and local drama and music groups could apply for funding.  The Portfolio Holder also informed the Panel of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Girls School Trust to which school girls could apply for grants, which included for music lessons and instruments.


Councillor de Whalley commented that he supported the suggestion for using the fund for wildflower planting and trees.  He explained that any project would also need managing and interpretation boards would be required so that the public were aware of spaces that were being used for wildflowers.


The Partnership and Funding Officer reminded the Panel that the West Norfolk Wins Lottery was a good way for local community groups to raise money with minimal effort.


The Chairman thanked the Panel for their suggestions for the themed fund.  He suggested that the Partnership and Funding Officer consider the suggestions put forward and bring back to the Panel more detail on how the funds could be utilised.


RESOLVED: The Partnership and Funding Officer to consider the suggestions of the Panel and bring a report back to the Panel on how the themed fund could be utilised.

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