Agenda item

Representatives from Lynx and West Norfolk Community Transport have been invited to attend.


The Chairman welcomed Julian Patterson and Graham Smith from Lynx, and Fiona Matchett from West Norfolk Community Transport to the meeting.


The Chairman advised that Martin Chisholm, Business Manager was also present to answer any questions the Committee might have.


Graham Smith outlined the background to Lynx and explained how their service had grown following the withdrawal of Stagecoach from the area.    It was explained that Lynx had tried to maintain the same frequency of services and felt that the services were now sustainable.


Some changes that would be implemented soon, included:


·        Increased seasonal coastal route to also include Fakenham.

·        New contactless payment facilities for passengers.


It was explained that some of the issues faced by them related to the high volume of traffic on the roads, resulting in extra time on journeys, roadworks often outside of King’s Lynn, the town centre itself and trying to encourage more people to come into King’s Lynn and the antisocial behaviour issues experienced at the bus station.


Fiona Matchett from West Norfolk Community Transport explained the background to West Norfolk Community Transport and the transition into Go to Town.  She explained that traffic congestion was one of the major issues being experienced and creating routes for new houses, once built.  Fiona explained that a mystery shopper had been on the bus and the feedback received had been very good.  It explained that the company was always looking at ways to improve the service for the future. 


The representatives from WNCT and Lynx responded to questions / comments as outlined below:


·        How West Norfolk Community Transport was funded.

·        The target % increase in passengers needed to ensure the service was sustainable.

·        Concessionary travel outside of the County.

·        It was confirmed that changes to the No.4 bus after 9.30 am would take place in the middle of April.

·        Consultation had not taken place with WNCT regarding the King’s Lynn Transport Study.

·        Traffic congestion and the introduction of a bus priority route.


Julian Patterson outlined the suggested changes that he had given to the consultant on possible changes which could help alleviate some of the issues being experienced.


Councillor Joyce suggested that the Committee should write to Norfolk County Council to support the suggestion for the introduction of a bus lane where room existed.


Councillor Collop asked whether there was any movement forward in relation to electric vehicles?  Julian Patterson explained that no operators in the area had so far changed to an electric vehicle, the costs to do so were very high.  It was explained that a new diesel engine was very clean in any case.


Councillor Mrs Wilkinson asked if there were any plans to reinstate the route from Fairstead to the hospital.    It was explained that at the moment it was not commercially viable as the majority of users held concessionary passes and it had to be viable and cost effective for the operator.  It was advised that Lynx had no immediate plans to reinstate the service unless Norfolk County Council were prepared to fund it, then it could be trialled.  It was further explained that the route had been removed before Lynx had taken over from Stagecoach.


Councillor Smith asked how many extra passengers were required before a more frequent service could be reinstated.  The representatives from Lynx stated that they would look into the issue and let Councillor Smith know.


Fiona Matchett explained that WNCT were reviewing their routes at the moment and had some new ideas.


The Chairman thanked Fiona Matchett, Julian Patterson and Graham Smith for attending the meeting and for the smooth transition of the new arrangements which had had very little impact on users.


In relation to comments made about the anti-social behaviour at the bus station, the Business Manager explained that this was not just a King’s Lynn problem and was being experienced in other parts of the Borough.  The Operational Partnership Teams were working to target those people who were committing crime and anti-social behaviour.  He added that the issue was significantly better than September/October time last year and positive changes were being seen.


Councillor Mrs Collop referred to smoking within the bus station, and that the no smoking sign was on the floor. 


The Business Manager explained that the Council had no powers to enforce no smoking in the bus station but could only ask someone to stop.


AGREED:       (1)        That the updates be noted.


(2)        That, a letter be written to Norfolk County Council asking for consideration to be given to bus priority routes wherever possible and improvements to alleviate the problems currently experienced, in order to be able to offer an alternative mode of transport other than the car.