Agenda item

The above report is on the Cabinet Forward Decision List for 1st December 2015 and has been identified by the Chairman for consideration by the Panel.


The Panel are requested to consider the report and make any appropriate recommendations to Cabinet.


The Strategic Housing Manager presented the Cabinet report which proposed the establishment of a structured forum involving Freebridge Community Housing and the Council.  He explained that the forum has been proposed to include two meetings a year and provide an opportunity to ensure that respective priorities are understood; that new opportunities are explored; and that challenges and risks are identified.


The Strategic Housing Manager explained that meetings were held between the Council and Freebridge Community Housing and the report sought to formalise the arrangements.  Terms of Reference had been proposed by Freebridge Community Housing and were attached to the report. 


The Chairman thanked the Strategic Housing Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Smith referred to the membership of the Strategic Forum and asked if Councillors would be provided the opportunity to attend these meetings to raise any issues.  The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community, Councillor Lawrence explained that there were other methods for dealing with individual constituent issues without taking them to the strategic level.  He explained that the purpose of the Strategic Forum would be to ensure that the Council and Freebridge Community Housing continued to work together and progress in the future.


The Strategic Housing Manager explained that if Councillors had strategic issues to raise, they could do so via the relevant Councillor or officer who could, if appropriate, raise the issue at the Strategic Forum meeting.  He explained that the operational meeting would be undertaken in a more structured way.  The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community, Councillor Lawrence reminded those present that Freebridge did have a Tenants Panel and tenant representatives on the Board. 


In response to a further question from Councillor Smith, the Strategic Housing Manager agreed to clarify if minutes from the Strategic Forum meetings would be available to Members of the Council.


Councillor Hipperson asked if the establishment of the Strategic Forum would impact on those Councillors who had been appointed to the Freebridge Community Housing Board.  The Chairman explained that it should not have any impact.  The Strategic Forum was an additional meeting.  The Panel was reminded that regular meetings between the Council and Freebridge already took place, but no formal arrangements were in place. 


Councillor Moriarty addressed the Panel under Standing Order 34.  He sought clarification if the Agendas and Minutes of the Strategic Forum would be a public record and the Strategic Housing Manager agreed to clarify.  Councillor Moriarty also sought assurance that the creation of the Strategic Forum would not dilute the influence of the Council representatives on Freebridge Community Housing Board.  The Strategic Housing Manager explained that the Strategic Forum would not be a decision making body and that this proposal did not present any changes to the Board’s Constitution.  The Strategic Forum would be a mechanism for sharing information and updating each other on progress and current issues.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge commented that the Strategic Forum would be a good way of communicating between organisations and keeping each other up to date.  She explained that when she was on Freebridge Community Housing Board she provided updates to Members as appropriate on work of the Board and it would be valuable to the Panel if current Board Members were to do the same.


In response to a question from Councillor Westrop, the Strategic Housing Manager explained that discussions would be help on the operation of the Strategic Forum and operational structures would be put in place.  If required an action plan could be produced and current mechanisms could be reviewed.


RESOLVED: That the Environment and Community Panel support the recommendations to Cabinet as follows:


(i)            To agree the proposed terms of reference to a strategic forum between the Council and Freebridge Community Housing as set out in the report.

(ii)           To agree that the Leader and the Portfolio older with responsibility for Housing, along with the Chief Executive, represent the Council at the proposed forum.

Supporting documents: