Agenda item


The Chairman of the Informal Working Group, Councillor Westrop, presented the findings of the Informal Working Group, as attached.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Westrop for her presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Manning commented that he supported the recommendations put forward by the Panel and hoped that they would link in with the Nelson Quay redevelopment to improve the area as a whole.  Councillor Westrop acknowledged that the work of the Informal Working Group was only a small part of improving the area and she felt that an overall strategy for the River was required. 


Councillor Smith explained that the use of the Sea Cadets building would provide much needed facilities.  He also asked if the facilities proposed for Saddlebow could be brought closer to the town centre.  Councillor Westrop explained that potential extension to the Pontoons, and discussions with the Conservancy Board, could result in more flexible operation of the Pontoons, for example longer stays and different types of craft could be accommodated, therefore there was perhaps no need to bring the facilities at Saddlebow closer, and instead the existing cycle paths and walkways from Saddlebow to the town centre could be better utilised.  It was explained that the benefit of Saddlebow was that it was not tidal, connected to inland waterways and there were small improvements which could be made to improve the facilities available.


Councillor Mrs Watson asked if the Informal Working Group had explored commercial activities such as a Chandlery.  It was commented that this had not been explored by the Group as it was felt that generating activity along the River needed to come before any commercial activities.


In response to a question from Councillor Crofts it was explained that the result of the CCF bid was expected in April 2019. 


Councillor Mrs Collingham commented that it was difficult to navigate the Wash, therefore people needed a reason to come to King’s Lynn.  She felt that more should be done to use the river as an amenity including leisure facilities and commented that the promotion of Saddlebow for inland vessels would be good to increase visitors.


RESOLVED: The Regeneration and Development Panel support the recommendations from the Informal Working Group, as set out below:


1.     That the Council endorse the vision and objectives set out in the Sail the Wash initiative and that the Council continue to support and encourage further marine leisure activity of the river and the Wash.

2.     Support longer term development of marine leisure activity at Boal Quay.

3.     Endorse the recommendations set out in the ‘Development of Marine Leisure Activity in the Wash’ by P D Harvey Consulting, 2018.

4.     Develop further the facilities at King’s Lynn Visitor Pontoons.  The Informal Working Group put forward options for this:

a.     Support the Stage 2 application to the Coastal Community Fund to:

                                                    i.     Extend the existing visitor pontoons to accommodate demand at peak times.

                                                   ii.     Install swing moorings to start the provision of permanent mooring facilities in King’s Lynn.

                                                  iii.     Improve mooring and anchorage in the Wash.

                                                 iv.      Develop further the marketing of Sail the Wash

                                                   v.     Employment of Marine Officer to deal with marketing and meet and greet.

b.     Discussions to be held with the owners of the Sea Cadets building regarding potential use of the facilities they had available for toilet and shower facilities (preferred option).

c.      Provide a solution for waste disposal at Baker Lane.

5.     That the Council acknowledge that the existing slipway is not fit for general marine purposed and give consideration to the installation of a new slipway, or relocation of the existing slipway to Boal Quay or an alternative appropriate location as part of the Nelson Quay redevelopment.

6.     Support the Environment Agency to make improvements to the facilities available at Saddlebow including the installation of additional moorings and better utilisation of the existing pedestrian and cycle link between Saddlebow and King’s Lynn including marketing and promotion.

7.     The relevant Portfolio Holder engage in initial discussions with ABP regarding the potential provision of lift and store facilities in King’s Lynn.

8.     Officers engage with the Environment Agency to monitor the effect of the Denver visioning statement on the development of the river.

9.     That if the CCF Bid is unsuccessful the Regeneration and Development Panel give consideration to reconvening the Informal Working Group to explore if there are any alternative options.



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