Agenda item


The Assistant to the Chief Executive presented the Corporate Business Plan monitoring report that had been developed to demonstrate progress against the Council’s Corporate Business Plan.  The report contained information on the progress made on the key actions up to end of Quarter 2 2019/2020.


The Panel was advised that there were currently 54 agreed actions being undertaken to progress the Council’s Corporate Business Plan.  The Q2 2019/20 monitoring report indicated that 48 of the actions were progressing well, 4 actions had been completed, and due to changes to proposals 2 actions will be removed from the monitoring report to be replaced with new key actions in the next update.


The Assistant to the Chief Executive responded to questions and comments from the Panel, a summary of which is set out below.


In response to a question from Councillor Humphrey in relation to Priority 1 – Progress towards £3.1m savings per annum required by 2019/20 identified in the Financial Plan for 2015-2020.  Cumulative target savings of £337,196 for 2019/20, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the £3.1m quoted in the Corporate Business Plan covered the period 2015 to 2020 and the quarter figures provided a snapshot not the full amount of the saving achieved.


Following a further question from Councillor Humphrey on Priority 3 – Reduce contamination of recycling to 15%, performance not improving and what steps could be taken to reduce the level of contamination, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that work was being undertaken and new initiatives had come forward and it was anticipated therefore that with the focus being placed on improved recycling rates, the target of 15% could be achieved.  The Portfolio Holder for Environment advised that there were incentives for performance in the new refuse and recycling contract and gave an example of a missed bin collection which would incur a significant financial penalty.  The Portfolio Holder, Environment provided an overview of previous Government funding and how the Council had undertaken work on students knocking on residents’ doors to encourage improved recycling rates.


Councillor Morley commented that it would be useful for new Members to receive a briefing on how the Corporate Business Plan was put together and actions required to meet the indicators.  The Chair explained that the current business plan was coming to an end and it may therefore be opportune for Members to receive a briefing on the new Corporate Business Plan.  The Leader commented that a Member training session would be scheduled at a date to be confirmed.


The Chief Executive reminded Members that the Senior Policy and Performance Officer had attended the three Policy and Development Panels, all of which had put forward ideas, which would be included in the new Corporate Business Plan.


Councillor Moriarty referred to the delivery of the Channel shift project and asked if the Council had considered using three words only to report a fly tipping incident.  In response, the Assistant to the Chief Executive explained that the Council was looking at “three words” in response of digital work and discussions had been held with the ICT Manager.


Following further questions from Councillor Moriarty on improving recycling rates for trade waste, the Assistant to the Chief Executive advised that she did not have the information to hand.  The Portfolio Holder for Environment explained that trade waste was collected by a commercial supplier.  The Leader advised that the commercial waste cost was published in the Council’s fees and charges, therefore a commercial company was able to undercut the Council’s fee.


In response to questions and comments on how “green” businesses were, for example, energy production, the Leader explained that the Borough Council was undertaking work on the green environmental issues to ensure that business were aware.


RESOLVED:  The Panel reviewed the Q2 2019/20 Corporate Business Plan.


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