Agenda item


The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager presented the report that contained information on the corporate Performance monitoring undertaken for Q1 2019/2020.


The Panel was reminded that performance indicators for 2019/20 had been agreed by portfolio holders and executive directors as the key performance measures for the year; they covered all directorates.  The monitoring report highlighted specific performance issues; where indicators had not met agreed targets they were drawn out into an action report, which provided additional detail on what actions were being taken to correct performance that had a variance to target.


Members were informed that the Q1 2019/20 monitoring report showed that 44% of targets had been met, and performance had improved against target for 19 indicators.  All calculations and analysis in the report was based on 52 indicators not the agreed 54, this was due to unavailable data for performance indicators EV3 and EV4.


In response to questions from Councillor Pope as to why the date was not available for performance indicators EV3 and EV4, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that there was a delay due to additional commitments of the new refuse contract, update figures would be available in Q2.


Councillor Pope referred to HS7, asked for an explanation as to why the number of rough sleepers had increased.  In response the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to obtain an explanation from the Housing Manager.


Councillor Mrs Dickinson commented that some areas for comparison were not meaningful and gave HS8 as an example.  In response, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that some indicators were for monitoring purposes only and referred to the guidance circulated to the Panel for information.  The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to cross reference future reports to the Performance Indicators guidance document.  Councillor Sampson stated that the figures had been comprehensively explained at a recent Environment and Community Panel by the Housing Services Manager.  The Chief Executive advised that the presentation was available to view on Mod Gov.


Councillor Manning referred to HS8 and the cost of temporary accommodation.  The Leader, Councillor Long explained that the Council had invested in converting a building into temporary accommodation to reduce the amount spent in B and B accommodation.  Councillor Morley added that the cost of the temporary accommodation should be costed for the year and taken into account.  The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to email a direct response to the Panel.


The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager informed Members that the Panel could request the Housing Services Manager to attend a future meeting and give a presentation.  The Leader, Councillor Long advised that any items with specific housing enquiries should be directed to the Environment and Community Panel but any financial enquiries should go to the Corporate Performance Panel.


In response to a question from Councillor Joyce on HS11 and what was defined as the first contact, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to clarify the request.


Following a further question from Councillor CS! – Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the information requested was not held in a central file.  The FOI process was managed by Eastlaw who would send requests to relevant officers and if required send reminders to ensure the information was available within the deadline.


RESOLVED:  The Panel:


1)     Reviewed the performance monitoring report.


2)     Agreed the actions outlined in the action report.


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