The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that data had dropped out of the report and highlighted the omissions as set out below:
· CC6: Q3 2018/2019 status column should have ?, versus this time last year column should have upwards arrow.
· EP4: Q3 2018/2019 status column should have ?, versus this time last year column should have downwards arrow.
The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager presented the corporate performance monitoring report undertaken during Q3 2018/2019.
The Panel was reminded that monitoring report highlighted specific performance issues; where indicators had not met agreed targets they were drawn out into an Action Report, which provided additional detail on what actions were being taken to correct performance that had a variance to target.
Members were advised that the Q3 2018/2019 monitoring report showed that 50% of targets have been met, and performance had improved against target for 17 indicators.
The key points from the Corporate Performance Monitoring Report Q3 2018/2019 were outlined as set out in the report.
In response to a question regarding indicator CO5: % of rent achievable on retail/general units, the Property Services Manager advised that a small number of town centre retail units were within the Council’s ownership. However, the Panel was informed that there were a number of initiatives being developed to address the issue of empty units within the town centre. The Borough Council was in the process of submitting a bid to the Future High Streets Fund which could assist in initiatives to reduce the number of vacant retail units. The Property Services Manager explained that the Borough Council had converted office space into temporary living accommodation which had reduced the amount spent on Bed and Breakfast.
Following a question on indicator CE1: Number of suspected licensable Houses in Multiple Occupation, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that there had been a change in legislation and that all Houses in Multiple Occupation would require re-inspection. The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to ascertain additional information with regard to this indicator and circulate a response to the Panel.
In response to a question relating to indicator CE2: Number of people presenting to Housing Options team for a service, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that this was a new target and undertook to ascertain further information and circulate a response to the Panel.
Following comments on indicator CE4: Number of affordable housing completions being an annual target rather than a quarterly one, the Leader, Councillor Long explained that the number of completions was recorded throughout the year and that there was a fluctuation within the housing delivery. The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the quarterly figures could be included within the notes column in future reports.
In response to a question relating to indicator CE8: % of residents who take part in sport and physical activity as measured by the Sport England Active Lives Survey, the Leader, Councillor Long explained that the Borough Council’s sports venues promoted fitness activities and added that Alive West Norfolk would look to develop fitness activities in the rural areas of the Borough. The Chairman, Councillor Humphrey commented that benchmarking was a helpful exercise, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager advised that the data was available in a national report. Councillor Collop added that the Borough Council made every effort to raise awareness of the importance to keep fit and gave an example of the GEAR 10k run.
The Leader, Councillor Long referred to the Active Life Survey and explained that a number of people in councils across the Council took part in the survey and provided an example of the types of questions which were asked. The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that that the definition within the survey of a fitness activity was – 30 minutes of activity undertaken a number of times per week. The Policy, Performance and Policy Manager undertook to clarify the definition and forward a response to the Panel
Following comments on indicators CO1a: Average response time for removal of fly-tips (days) and C01b: Number of fly-tipping incidents, the Leader, Councillor Long advised that the Council collected any fly-tipping within a day of an incident being reported and added that the Council worked extremely hard to maintain the target set. With regard to the reduction in the number of fly-tipping incidents, the Leader explained that contrary to the adverse publicity regarding the introduction of a charge for disposal of trade waste, the performance for quarter 4 was on target.
The Chairman, Councillor Humphrey asked what other measures were being taken to discourage fly-tipping. In response, the Leader explained that successful prosecutions by the Council for the offence of fly-tipping was published on the Borough Council’s website and also made reference to the recent campaign on disposal of trade waste. The Borough Council also provided clear information to the public on where waste could be disposed of.
In response to questions relating to C010b: Number of residential houses sales completed – Lynnsport and the Council’s financial targets and speed units were being built, the Leader, Councillor Long suggested that the Portfolio Holder and relevant officers involved in residential development be invited to a future Panel meeting to give a presentation and overview of the projects being undertaken The Chairman, Councillor Humphrey commented that it would be useful if a comment could be added in the note column to explain the reason for the delay.
Following questions on indicators EP3a: Processing of major development applications and EP3d % of decisions on applications for non-major development that have been overturned at appeal, measured against total number of non-major applications determined, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that these two indicators were set by national targets. Following further comments, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager undertook to find out further information on the government set targets.
Councillor Collop referred to indicators FS2: % of supplier invoices paid within 30 days and FS3: % of local supplier invoices paid within 10 days and commented that he was pleased to see the Council paying local suppliers within a short timescale.
In response a question from the Chairman on indicator FS6: % of Council Tax collected against target, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the timing of new property bandings by the Valuation Office had had an impact on performance data. It was noted that taxpayers had an option to pay by 10 or 12 monthly instalments.
RESOLVED: The Panel:
1) Reviewed the Performance Monitoring Report.
2) Agreed the actions outlined in the Action Report.
Supporting documents: