To receive a presentation from Vicky Etheridge, Manager,
Discover King's Lynn and Darren Taylor from the
The Chairman welcomed Darren Taylor, Chairman of the BID and Vicky Etheridge, Manager, Discover King’s Lynn to the meeting.
Darren Taylor explained that he was Chairman of the BID and Managing Director of KLFM and had been working on the BID for a number of years. A vote had been taken in 2014 and was narrowly defeated but a second vote was successful in 2016. The project would last for 5 years.
It was explained that all businesses paid a levy which was spent by the Board of Directors with the overall aim of improvements to the town centre.
Vicky Etheridge went through the presentation to the Committee, which included:
· Future High Streets 2030
· The area covered by the BID
· Picking up issues that mattered most to businesses
· The type of specialist events that the BID were promoting, ie. cocktail week, beauty week, business week.
· Xmas trees in Tower Street
· Street rangers to be in post end of March/April
The Chairman then invited questions/comments from the Committee which are summarised below.
In response to a question, Darren Taylor explained that the BID had a good working relationship with the Council who had been very supportive of the work carried out by the BID. He also explained that there was a formal procedure for grants to businesses. He added that the BID interacted with other agencies as much as they could.
Reference was made to the defibrillators and it was explained that once they went live there would be a press release. The BID had also provided training courses on how to use them.
In response to a question regarding the future of the town centre, Darren Taylor stated that he did not consider the shopping experience to be dead. He added that the role of independent shops was important and that there was still enough of a community spirit in King’s Lynn. He considered that somewhere to eat / drink / shop and spend time was the future. Also turning empty buildings in the town centre into residential was important to add to the vitality of the town. The heritage offer also played an important part of the visitor experience.
Councillor Mrs Wilkinson stated that there was a lot interesting things going on within the town, but expressed concern that the BID might be taking on some roles which were the responsibility of the Council. In response, Darren Taylor explained that it was very clear within the BID’s Business Plan that it did not exist to take on roles/responsibilities of the Borough Council / Police / Norfolk County Council. The BID would try to work alongside organisations to add a different perspective to things.
With regards to the street rangers, it was explained that they would have an informal role and he explained the types of duties that they would carry out.
Darren Taylor also explained that parking was always an issue and the BID had subsidised free parking after 3 pm on the run up to Christmas, however this had received a mixed response. He added that there were better ways to attract people into town rather than free parking.
Councillor Bambridge added that the Council had tried free parking at certain times however the retailers had reported that this did not improve footfall. She added that she had heard a piece on Radio 4 about making town centres as a destination. She also referred to mixing heritage with shopping.
In relation to car parking, Darren Taylor explained that he considered that the charges at the moment were about right.
The Committee were also informed that the Christmas Market would be taking place again this year and it was hoped that it would be bigger and better than last year. Discussions were taking place with the Borough Council to on how to improve the Farmers Markets.
In response to a comment from Councillor J Collop, it was explained that every business in the area and not just retailers paid a levy.
Discussion took place regarding the number of empty units within the town and it was explained that the BID would do what it could to help and this included working with the heritage offer.
Darren Taylor also explained that the BID was working with the Borough Council to put together an economic prospectus for the town to try to attract investment into the Borough.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds informed the Committee that the Council was looking to provide a creative hub. The Council had also set up a cultural board with various stakeholders. The idea was to bring more footfall into the town centre.
It was highlighted that there were exciting initiatives taking place and reference was made to Collusion’s Reveal project over the Christmas period.
The Chairman thanked Darren and Vicky for an interesting presentation and discussion.