To receive petitions and public questions in accordance with Standing Order 9.
Under Standing order 9, the Mayor invited the public questioners to put their questions:
1) Question from Mrs J Rust
Apart from spending money on events to bring people into the town, what steps are the council taking to encourage and support businesses to come to King’s Lynn.
Councillor Long gave the following response: “Your question is interesting as it implies that everyone knows about the good work we do as a council with regards to Festivals and Events but do not know about what else we are doing so a quick run down of some of these:
· We give a Pro-active response to business enquiries/needs and help/advice with a dedicated Town Centre Manager and Business Development Officer
· This year around £1m in grants have been made to West Norfolk businesses following advice from the Council.
· We have Heritage Action Zone Status
· We have The Townscape Heritage Initiative and this has gained investment and works for example In St James Street.
· We are developing proposals for the waterfront including purchase of Summerfield and Thomas site, regenerating our town.
· Jointly with NCC we have an ongoing Transport study
· We Support the Business Improvement District.
· With our Support King’s Lynn has won the Anglia in Bloom awards.
· We have agreed a Cinema proposal at the Corn Exchange and are working with the Majestic to retain cinema in the town centre.
· We are Building Homes for People to buy and to rent to support the town and those that want to live and work here.
· We have made Investment in the former Westgate/ Beales block to attract new retailers to the town.
· We are Working with local schools on educational standards, helping to improve our future workforce.
· We have a dedicated team who tidy up not just litter, they remove the chewing gum from the pavements we have a dedicated vehicle to deal with any graffiti, and gardeners that keep our parks and public space looking tidy and attractive.
· and finally we provide 24 hours a day 365 day a year CCTV coverage that helps to keep our town safe.
So it isn’t all about Events and Festivals, those are supported and promoted in addition to everything else, we do things that many other larger towns and cities do not do.
The nature of retailing is evolving but local business needs local people to support it and I for one will continue to do so and I would urge others to do the same.”
By way of supplementary Mrs Rust asked if the Council would be willing to offer £2.7m to businesses in the form of lower rent and business rates in line with what she considered the Council was willing to lose with NWES.
Councillor Long responded that the arrangement NWES was a loan, the
Council had not lost it.
2) Question from Ms B Barclay
“What evidence and on what authority can it be claimed that the art collection for the proposed Guildhall art gallery, as supported by this council, is of national and international importance?”
Councillor Mrs Nockolds gave the following response: “The Council has not made any claims, nor given any comment about the standards of any specific art collection.
With regards to such an exhibition we would be guided by advice from the Arts Council and/or N.M.S., who are a National Portfolio Organisation supported by the Arts Council.
Exhibitions housed within any proposed gallery wherever it is, would be determined by the organisation operating the venue.
As a Council we place great importance and care for our Heritage in King's Lynn, which definitely includes the Guildhall. The Guildhall is a hall for hire. Many groups make use of the Complex, both professional and amateur groups. We want the public to enjoy and use all of the features of the Guildhall Complex, which is a beautiful area and one we are proud of. It is for this reason we are very pleased and excited to be working in partnership with a new Charity which is being established.
Our support has been for proposals to restore the fabric of St. George's Guildhall Complex, making it a venue for performances as well as one which could possibly involve the creation of a gallery of National and International significance with exhibitions.
The Council are still in negotiations as both the charity and the Council want the best for King's Lynn and West Norfolk as a whole.”
By way of supplementary Ms Barclay asked how much the Council received from all sources relating to the Guildhall complex in the last accounting year.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds stated she was not able to give the exact figure, but any money would have come from the hiring of the Guildhall.