Agenda item

CAB9:              KLIC External Enquiry - Terms of Reference and Appointment of Chair

CAB13:            Food and Garden Waste Treatment – Procurement

CAB14:            King's Lynn Area Consultative Committee - Review

CAB15:            Council Governance

CAB16:            Amendments to the Scheme Of Delegation


eXEMPT item


cab22:            Cinema Development





Councillor Long proposed the following recommendations, seconded by Councillor Nockolds:


CAB9:KLIC External Enquiry - Terms of Reference and Appointment of Chair


In debating the item, Councillor Joyce commented that he wanted to see the truth come through including how NWES became involved.  He considered that the terms of reference were too weak.


Councillor Moriarty made reference to a meeting he had with Lord Porter who had assured him that if the LGA believed there was a cover up they would not participate.


On being put to the vote the recommendation was agreed.


Councillor Long proposed the following items, seconded by Councillor Nockolds:


CAB13:           Food and Garden Waste Treatment – Procurement

CAB14:           King's Lynn Area Consultative Committee - Review

CAB16:           Amendments to the Scheme of Delegation


On being put to the vote the recommendations were approved.


Councillor Long proposed the following items, seconded by Councillor Nockolds:


CAB15:           Council Governance


In debating the item Councillor J Collop proposed an amendment that the Group consist of 6 members (2 Con, 2 Ind and 2 Lab).  This was seconded by Councillor Rust.


In debating the amendment it was noted that the recommendation that had come from the Cabinet was in order for the Body to be a formal Task Group and Councillors Long and Moriarty expressed the view that it was preferable to have it as a formal proportional Task Group.  The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the Council could decide the shape of the Body it wished to set up.


On being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


On putting the substantive motion to the vote it was carried.




The following item was taken at the end of the agenda after the Outside Bodies appointments.


The Mayor suggested that as it was likely that confidential information would be discussed the Council should exclude the Press and Public.  Councillor Moriarty spoke against the exclusion.  On being put to the vote, on the Mayor’s casting vote Council agreed to exclude the press and public.


Exclusion of the Press and Public


RESOLVED: That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act.


Councillor Long proposed the recommendations in   CAB22:Cinema Developmentwhich were seconded by Councillor Mrs Nockolds.


A debate on the recommendations ensued where the acceptance of the proposal by the Majestic was noted, the figures which were quoted in the report were questioned by Councillor Rust, more detailed costings were requested by Councillor Hudson, and the level of borrowing which would be required discussed and the length of borrowing raised by Councillor Parish.  The debate included views from Councillor Moriarty that the proposal was not future proofed and it was unlikely that the Cinema would make money when a small number of tickets were sold.  Councillor Joyce commented that if young people didn’t support it then it was a good case against it.


Councillor Ryves spoke for the proposal with it bing a fantastic proposal for the town, and would be ambitious with the proposal and include a high quality food offer.


Councillor J Collop commented that he felt it hadn’t been researched sufficiently.  Councillor Kemp expressed concern about the capital costs.  Councillor Tyler commented that he did not know if the demand would be sufficient to give the income required with the popularity of home viewing.


Councillor Dark commented that it was to support the Town Centre, and that it was not possible to predict what would happen in the future whereas the numbers visiting the cinema at the present time was high.


Councillor Howland reported he had only heard about the proposals in the newspaper.  Councillor Morley commented that he considered the Council should have gone to a market research company to look at the potential footfall etc.  He suggested a delay for more research to be done, but the repairs to the building to be carried out.


Councillor Mrs Nockolds explained that originally the White Barn was considered for a cinema, but with the discussions taking place on the Guildhall the Corn Exchange was considered. She acknowledged that the Council was not an expert in these issues so had engaged consultants to look at the costs and proposals and where people went for entertainment.  She explained that the costs were estimated and would go out to tender.  If the costs came back too high it wouldn’t go ahead.


In summing up Councillor Long commented that it was attempting to reduce the subsidy on the Corn Exchange and utilising that area of the building. He drew attention to the fact that some would prefer to stay at home but many wanted to experience the cinema.  He also commented that loans could also potentially be repaid sooner.


On being put to the vote the recommendations were approved.  Councillor Moriarty wished for his vote against the recommendations to be recorded.


RESOLVED:   That the recommendations from the 18 June 2019 Cabinet meeting be approved.

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