Agenda item


The Commercial Services Business Manager provided those present with a quick review of events held in 2015.


He explained that the Borough Council had organised a detailed and elaborate events programme over the Spring and Summer.  A minimum of one major event every fortnight had been planned.  The ethos behind this was to contribute towards the Council’s Corporate Strategy by developing a vibrant town centre, stimulate business growth and interest and help people value their cultural heritage.  The Council worked with many partners and organisations to deliver the events.  Details were provided of the following events:


-       27th March – Lumiere Festival of Light

-       3rd May GEAR and mini-GEAR.  Highest ever entries recorded this year.

-       15th to 17th May – Hanse Weekend.

-       30th May – Sports Activity Day.

-       13th and 14th June – Magna Carta 800th Anniversary.

-       27th June – Festival Too Fireworks

-       3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th July – Festival Too.

-       5th July – Extra daytime Festival Too event.

-       18th July – Spitfire trail Launch/RAF Cadets Freedom Parade

-       19th July – 40’s day

-       25th July – King’s Lynn Festival Street Entertainment

-       1st, 15th, 29th August – Covent Garden Street Entertainment

-       9th August – Mods and Rockers

-       22nd and 23rd August – Water Ski Racing

-       23rd August  -Fairy Tales and Legends

-       12th and 13th September – Beer Barbers and Butchers

-       13th September – Heritage Open Day organised by King’s Lynn Civic Society and Classic Car Show. 


The Panel was provided with footfall statistics which showed the difference in footfall on event days compared to the same day the previous year.  Detail of the cost of each event was also provided.


The Business Manager explained that a budget was available for 2016/2017 events, but what would be available in future years was unknown.  Work was ongoing to put together an EU funding bid for a programme of events from 2017 to 2019.  The Business Manager informed those present that the King’s Lynn Town Centre Partnership was also progressing proposals for a Business Improvement District.  If the Business Improvement District came into fruition funds would be available and those involved in the Business Improvement District would choose how they were spent.  He explained that the King’s Lynn Town Centre Partnership had acknowledged that activities drive footfall in the town centre.


The Business Manager informed those present of events planned for the rest of the year which included Fawkes in the Walks on 6th November and the Christmas Lights switch on, which this year had been changed to a Sunday to make it a more family friendly event.  The switch on event would take place on 22nd November.


The Panel was informed that a schedule of events for 2016 was currently being planned using feedback and statistics from the events held in 2015.


The Chairman thanked the Business Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Smith commented that the footfall figure for GEAR was not included in his report.  The Business Manager agreed to make the figures available.


Councillor Shorting commented that an international angling event was to take place next year in King’s Lynn.  The Business Manager asked Councillor Shorting to pass on the details to him.


Councillor Bubb explained that he was disappointed that some of the eating establishments in the town centre had not been open during the events.  The Business Manager explained that he shared this concern.  Events were well publicised and businesses were made aware of the events through the King’s Lynn Town Centre Partnership.  He explained that he was surprised that the businesses would not want to make the most out of the opportunities for increased trade.  The Business Manager explained that the availability of food would be looked at when planning future events.


Councillor Kunes congratulated all those involved in the events programme as he felt that all events were excellent, especially the Water Ski weekend which he had attended and noticed a significant increase in footfall.


In response to a question from Councillor Howland, the Business Manager explained that the spitfire models used in the spitfire trail would be auctioned off for charity on 3rd December at the town hall.


Councillor Hopkins congratulated all those involved in the events and referred to the application to bring the weeping window of poppies into the town.  The Business Manager explained that some of the poppies which had been used at the Tower of London were on tour, and the Council had made an application for them to come to King’s Lynn.  Nothing had been confirmed at present.


Councillor Mrs Squire asked if the weather had been recorded on event days and if this had an impact on footfall.  The Business Manager explained that there was currently no weather recording equipment in King’s Lynn, but acknowledged that the weather was an important factor in relation to the success of the events.


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds commented that she felt that there had been a fantastic summer of events and she was still receiving positive feedback.  She stressed the importance of keeping the town lively and vibrant.  She referred to an article on King’s Lynn which had recently been published in the Daily Mail.  She explained that King’s Lynn was also promoted on the Visit England website and regularly in the local media.  The Portfolio Holder thanked all those involved in making the events successful.


RESOLVED: The report was noted.