Agenda item

To consider the King’s Lynn Museum Report.


The Assistant Head of Museums tabled a copy of the Norfolk Museums Service Annual Review 2017/2018 which had been circulated to the Committee.  The Committee was advised that the Annual Review gave a useful overview of the broad range of activities undertaken across the Norfolk Museums.


The Committee was informed that HLF funding of £8.5m had been awarded to the Keep Project at Norwich Castle.  It was noted that match funding was in place and Hannah Jackson, Western Area Manager had been appointed the Project Manager role on a two year secondment.  Andrew Smith would be undertaking the Western Area Manager role.  The Assistant Head of Museums advised that regular updates would be received by the Committee. 


The Assistant Head of Museums presented the report which provided information on the King’s Lynn Museum activities for the period August to October 2018


The visitor numbers audited up to 31 October 2018 were tabled and discussed.  The Assistant Head of Museums advised that:


·         Heritage Open Day in 2018 – an increase of 593 visitors to the Lynn Museum compared to 2017.

·         Across the Norfolk Museums there had been a significant increase in the number of visitors to date on Heritage Open Days in 2018 across the two weekends.

·         1,600 increase in visitors to Lynn Museum from the same period in 2017.


The Assistant Head of Museums responded to questions relating to:


·         The bronze and iron age specifically in relation to Seahenge.

·         Mini-Museum Club aimed at the under 5s.  In response to a question from the Chairman, Councillor Mrs Nockolds regarding consultation with adults on the frequency of the Mini-Museum Club, the Assistant Head of Museums undertook to check if a consultation exercise had been undertaken.

·         The potential for a club for the older children.  It was noted that as part of the HLF’s national Kick in the Dust programme a four year project to encourage participation from young people aged 11 to 25 in museum activities.  Examples were given of previous work undertaken with young people (NEET). 

·         Coffee, Cake and Collections coffee morning – well received and good attendance levels. It was noted that residents from local care homes had attended.  Members were informed that as part of the funded outreach programme visits had been made to care homes.

·         Seahenge conference 10 November 2018.  Sell out event with 67 people attending.

·         World War 1 Raids – the Assistant Curator advised that that information was available in the archives.

·         Success of the South Gate project.  The Assistant Curator explained that a company had been commissioned to supply footage to be available on tablets, app, website or display boards, for those visitors who were not able to go upstairs.

·         Arrangements for requesting loan collections from the British Museum.

·         Lynn Museum Sunday opening had attracted on average between 20 and 30 visitors each Sunday.

·         Rachael Williams, Learning and Engagement Officer – post had been extended for a period of 12 months with funding from the Borough Council..

·         Analysis undertaken on the visitor numbers.

·         Offer of museum activities to support the national curriculum.


The Chairman of the Friends of Lynn Museums provided an update, a summary of which is set out below:


·         Annual Talk by Dr Jody Joy on 26 September 2018 at Marriott’s Warehouse was successful with 77 attendees.

·         A Christmas social event will be take place on 10 December 2018 at 3 pm which will include object handling and a chance to see the various important contribution made by the Friends.

·         The Friends had been successful in obtaining a grant for a Baines Memorial.

·         Legacy been received (£500) which would be ring-fenced to purchase a specific item for the Lynn Museum.


The Chairman, Councillor Nockolds reported that Arts Council England was visiting King’s Lynn on 7 December 2018.  The Chairman commented that there was a cultural prospectus in place and that NCC was a member of the Cultural Board which demonstrated good partnership working of both education and culture.  It was noted working in partnership with a number of organisations including King’s Lynn Festival and the Local Enterprise Partnership provide a good culture offer for visitors to King’s Lynn.


AGREED: 1) That the update report be noted.


2) Christine Marsden, Kick the Dust Project Co-ordinator be invited to attend.


3)  On behalf of the Committee, thanks be passed onto staff for the efforts undertaken to promote the Lynn Museum.




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