Agenda item

The Panel will receive an update on the Riverfront Delivery Plan.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager presented the report which outlined the rationale and process for preparing a Delivery Plan for the regeneration of King’s Lynn riverfront, its key components, expected outcomes and timetable.


Those present were provided with a map of the area that the Delivery Plan would cover, which had been broken down into three areas.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager informed those present that most of the site was within the St Margaret’s and St Nicholas Conservation Area.  He explained that the report outlined the potential development issues and constraints such as flood risk and ground conditions. 


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that the largest land owner within the study area was the Borough Council, however several sites were in third party ownership and the preparation of the Delivery Plan would engage with land owners to identify development opportunities.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager highlighted the recommendations as set out in the report and explained that the procurement of an architect-led professional team would help to deliver a comprehensive scheme for the long term economic sustainability of the town centre.


The Panel was referred to part two of the report which looked at the options which had been considered and the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager reminded those present that at this stage no solutions had been drawn up.  The report was to engage with the organisations as appropriate to develop proposals and solutions to achieve something transformational which would benefit the town centre.


The Panel’s attention was drawn to part 4 of the report which set out the next steps and indicative timetable to complete the Delivery Plan.  It was hoped that the Delivery Plan would be completed by September/October 2016.


The Chairman thanked the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager for his report and invited questions and comments from the Panels, as summarised below.


Councillor Tyler commented that he could not see any problems with the idea philosophy but the ‘devil would be in the detail’.  He referred to the members of the public who were present at the meeting and their concerns.  He asked if the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager could provide information on what sort of projects would be included in the Delivery Plan.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that no projects had been agreed as yet; this would form part of the Delivery Plan.  He acknowledged that there were several key stakeholders in the area and they would all be considered in the consultation process.  The Panel was informed that a Project Board would be established to oversee the preparation of the Delivery Plan.  It had also been proposed that a key stakeholder forum would also be considered to ensure that key stakeholders were kept informed of progress and had the opportunity to provide input into the process at key stages.


The Chairman reminded those present that they were considering the endorsement of developing a Delivery Plan and no plans or projects had been agreed as yet.  Options would be considered during the creation of the Plan.


The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that once a professional team had been appointed more detailed timescales could be prepared and all of the relevant stakeholders would be notified.  He explained that the financing of any projects and proposals realised through the Delivery Plan would be subject to separate agreement.  The scale of the project could not be quantified at this stage.


Councillor Kunes asked if consideration had been given to increasing the Delivery Plan area further north to incorporate Common Staithe Square and how this could be linked to the South Quay.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that options could be considered when preparing the Delivery Plan and noted Councillor Kunes comments.


Councillor Bubb referred to the mixed ownership of the site.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that there were some areas where the ownership was currently unknown but detailed site investigations would be carried out.


The Vice Chairman stressed the importance on ensuring that key stakeholders were kept informed and consulted on proposals. 


In response to a further question from the Vice Chairman, the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager explained that nothing had been pre-determined at the moment.


Councillor Mrs Mellish felt that it was important to keep up momentum and referred to car parking in the area.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager clarified that all three areas would be included in the Delivery Plan.


Councillor Smith referred to part 3.5 and 3.6 of the report and commented that he hoped that the architect engaged would be sympathetic to the history and heritage of the town centre.  The Regeneration and Economic Development Manager agreed that they would definitely need the right calibre of architect and tender criteria would be produced, each tender would be scored and weighed.


The Executive Director suggested that the Regeneration and Economic Development Manager come back to the Panel with an update once the architect had developed draft proposals.


Councillor Rochford asked for an update on the proposals for parking at the South Quay and the Executive Director agreed to provide him with details.


RESOLVED: 1. That the Panel:


a.    Endorses the preparation of a Regeneration Delivery Plan for King’s Lynn Riverfront area.

b.    Endorses the procurement of an architect-led professional team to prepare the King’s Lynn Riverfront Regeneration Delivery Plan.


2. That the Panel be kept updated on progress.

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