Agenda item


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Humphrey, Councillor Bird provided an overview as to why he had requested that the item be considered by the Corporate Performance Panel. 


Councillor Bird provided an overview of the Hunstanton recreation grounds and the lawn tennis courts and explained that the residents of Hunstanton were paying £30 per household as special expenses for facilities that they infrequently, or ever used. The Panel was informed that the issue had been constantly reviewed over the past decade.  Councillor Bird provided details of the income and expenditure for the recreation ground and lawn tennis courts.


The Executive Director, Commercial Services referred to the presentation circulated with the Agenda and drew Members’ attention to the 2018/2019 Hunstanton Recreation Ground charges.  The Panel was advised that the Hunstanton lawn tennis courts were not charged against special expenses.


The Executive Director, Commercial Services outlined the available options as set out below:


·         Continue current arrangements.

·         Look at opportunities to increase tennis access.

·         Discuss Hunstanton Town Council taking responsibility for management and maintenance of the Pavilion and Recreation ground including the tennis.


The Panel was informed that discussions had been held with Hunstanton Town Council regarding taking over responsibility for management and maintenance of the pavilion and recreation ground including the tennis, who had agreed in principle to take the proposal forward.


Members were invited to ask questions, a summary of which is set out below.


The Chairman, Councillor Humphrey asked if the Lawn Tennis Association could assist in keeping the courts to the standard required and added that an online booking system would be worthwhile and proposed that the Executive Director, Commercial Services and relevant officers continue discussions with Hunstanton Town Council to which the Panel agreed.


In response to questions, the Executive Director, Commercial Services explained that the Lawn Tennis Association had developed coaching schemes and advised that discussions with the Town Council had involved the whole site and included the bowls and croquet club.


Councillor Morrison commented on the proposal for Hunstanton Town Council to take over responsibility and maintenance and highlighted the importance of both the national and county tournaments and that residents should be proud to host the tournaments.  He added that Hunstanton currently had no tennis club and further commented that the residents should look to promote tennis.


Councillor Nockolds, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health provided background information relating to the lawn tennis courts which were open to the public and provided an overview of the booking arrangements.  The Portfolio Holder added that since Alive Leisure had taken over no sports development work had been undertaken.  Members were advised that the Portfolio Holder had had discussions with the Lawn Tennis Association and their Development Officer (T Devenish) to consider establishing a scheme to encourage tennis in Hunstanton.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Councillor Bird addressed the Panel and explained that both residents and Councillors had done their best to promote sporting activities on the recreation ground and that he supported the opportunity to see the recreation ground run locally for the benefit of the local community and businesses and added that he was confident the Town Council could take over the responsibility for the management and maintenance.


RESOLVED: 1) The proposal for Hunstanton Town Council taking responsibility for management and maintenance of the pavilion and recreation ground including the tennis be discussed in detail with Hunstanton Town Council.


2) An update report and Business Plan be presented to the Panel on 27 November 2018.

Supporting documents: