Agenda item

The attached briefing note has been prepared by the Housing Services Manager and sets out what information will be provided to the Panel at the meeting.


The Housing Services Manager gave a presentation on Homelessness and Rough Sleeping, as attached.  The Chairman thanked the Housing Services Manager for his presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


Councillor Mrs Spikings referred to information provided that there was not enough housing supply for social housing.  She commented that she was aware of some social housing which had been boarded up, or demolished in Welney and asked why this was happening when there was such a demand for social housing.  The Chairman, Councillor Sampson commented that Welney was an isolated area and people may have issues with transport.  Councillor Mrs Spikings commented that the refurbishment of the housing stock in Welney had fractured the local community.


Councillor Taylor asked for information on how many rough sleepers were local and expressed concern that because King’s Lynn had a good process in place for dealing with and supporting homeless people it may attract people from other areas.  The Housing Services Manager commented that this was a concern for the night shelters and that it could give validity to a certain type of lifestyle.  He explained that the situation would be carefully monitored.


Councillor Mrs Spikings provided information on someone who was sleeping rough near the A47 and agreed to pass on information to the Housing Services Manager.


Councillor Mrs Westrop made reference to the duty to care leavers and she explained that some had complex needs.  She asked if there was any flexibility with regards to local connection for care leavers.  The Housing Services Manager explained that there was legislation relating to this and that some care leavers did not feel disadvantaged if they were placed outside the County.


Councillor Taylor asked the Housing Services Manager if he felt that the Council had the resources available to deal with monitoring, reporting and delivery of services relating to homelessness and rough sleeping.  The Housing Services Manager explained that some new funding had been available from Central Government, as they had recognised this as a priority.  He explained that homelessness grants were also available and the Council also worked with Norfolk County Council on provision for the area.  Funding had been used to commission new services and retarget resource to where it was needed.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge informed those present that she had requested that this update be brought to the Panel following the introduction of the Act.  She reiterated comments made regarding Registered Social Landlords having empty properties and that she was concerned about this.   She also referred to earlier comments made by Councillor Spikings about empty social housing in villages and how it should be made available if there was a demand.


In response to a question from the Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge about if the Council received enough funding, the Housing Services Manager explained that West Norfolk was recognised as a high demand area for private rented homes.  He commented that situations could change quickly which could impact the amount of resources available and required.  He commented that ways to be bold and work to make a difference to landlords and tenants needed to be looked at.


Councillor Mrs Spikings suggested that a Task Group be established by the Panel to look at funding, issues and how organisations could work together to address homelessness, rough sleeping and the availability of social housing.


The Chairman, Councillor Sampson commented that the presentation provided to the Panel highlighted how complex the process was and the wide range of issues that the Council had to deal with and agreed that the establishment of a Task Group was a good idea.


The Housing Services Manager welcomed the suggestion of a Task Group.  He commented that it was important for all organisations to have a joined up approach and work together


The Portfolio Holder for Environment, Councillor Devereux referred to the House of Lords Select Committee on the regeneration of seaside towns which he suggested as useful background reading.


Councillor Mrs Westrop referred to the effect of the roll out of Universal Credit and she felt it would have a big impact on social housing tenancies and the ability for people to pay rent and that resources would need to be put in place to deal with issues.


The Chairman, Councillor Sampson suggested that it may be useful for the Environment and Community Panel to have a look around Broad Street and the Housing Services Manager agreed that this could be arranged.  He also suggested that Members could visit the Park Homes.


RESOLVED: (i) The Panel noted the report.

(ii) A tour of Broad Street be arranged for the Environment and Community Panel.

(iii) A Task Group be established to look at Homelessness, Rough Sleeping and the availability of Social Housing.

(iv) A report be presented to the next ordinary meeting of the Environment and Community Panel to agree the Terms of Reference and operation of the Task Group.

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