Representatives from the Youth Investment Fund will be present at the meeting to provide the Panel with information.
The Chairman welcomed Graeme Stewart and Tracy Ellis to the meeting who presented the Panel with information on the Youth West Partnership, as attached. Members’ attention was also drawn to the information document which had been circulated with the Agenda.
The Chairman thanked Graeme Stewart and Tracy Ellis for their presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel as summarised below.
Councillor Mrs Bower asked if anything was planned for Hunstanton. Graeme Stewart explained that the Benjamin Foundation was working in Hunstanton and as the Co-ordinator for the project developed her role she could make contact with Parishes.
Councillor Mrs Fraser asked for more information on how the activities were chosen and asked what plans were in place to ensure that young people were engaged. Graeme Stewart explained that activities included music, dance, drama and other sessions. It was explained that Youth Workers would work with the young people and certain activities would be chosen by them. It was hoped that this would keep young people involved and engaged. The Panel was informed that the Youth West Partnership would be working with the Discovery Centre and in deprived areas in West Norfolk. It was explained that Youth West would also promote projects jointly with their partners where possible.
The amount of funding available for the project was highlighted and Graeme Stewart acknowledged that West Norfolk was rural and diverse and it would unfortunately not be possible to help all areas, but the project had tried to spread out into areas where there was already an active interest, but may have been issues in the ability to provide or sustain a service.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health commented that this project was very good news for young people in the Borough. She explained that the Borough Council already had a Service Level Agreements in place with Freebridge Community Housing relating to the Discovery Centre, Active Norfolk and SWAN. Councillor Mrs Nockolds informed those present that the Council also worked with the Local Cultural Education Partnership and hoped to work with Garage in the near future. Graeme Stewart explained that Active Norfolk was working with the Youth West Partnership regarding the delivery of some activities at the Discovery Centre.
Councillor Mrs Wilkinson informed those present that Fairstead previously had a youth club at the Community Centre, but this was no longer in operation. She asked if there were any plans to re-introduce provision in this area. She also explained that there used to be a mini bus available which could take young people to activities. Graeme Stewart explained that part of the project would include pop up youth clubs, and Fairstead was an area which could be a possibility. The pop up youth clubs would identify if there was a demand in an area and if more permanent provision would be sustainable. Graeme Stewart reminded the Panel of the budget available and explained that it would focus on ‘on the ground’ delivery with the help of partners. Year one of the project would be to establish activities and year 2 would look at working with partners, parishes and local communities to look at sustainability and funding options.
The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge commented that the project looked at areas where there was already activity, but what about areas where there was no current activity? She referred to rural and isolated areas where there was no public transport. Graeme Stewart explained that they had looked at isolated communities, and he felt that some may be covered in the hub provision, but referred to the limited funding available. He explained that they could look into options for the future for example access to transport.
Councillor Parish referred to Heacham and explained that they used to have a youth club and all the facilities were still there. Graeme Stewart explained that Youth West had worked with the Benjamin Foundation to identify areas on where to establish provision. He explained that if there was an opportunity, and funding to support it, it was something that could be looked at.
Councillor Mrs Spikings asked if the project was limited to West Norfolk, or if they worked across boundaries. She provided an example of provision which was available close to her Ward, but across the border in Wisbech. Graeme Stewart explained that the funding had been awarded for West Norfolk, but it was something that could be looked into. The Chairman, Councillor Sampson suggested that Councillor Mrs Spikings pass on the relevant information to Graeme Stewart.
In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Collop, Graeme Stewart explained that the amount of young people that could be accommodated at each session was dependant on the amount of Youth Workers and Volunteers available and safeguarding best practice. Councillor Mrs Westrop commented that activities in Downham Market had started in June and there was a waiting list for some activities such as music because they were very popular.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds asked if Youth West worked with the National Youth Agency regarding training. She also referred to National Youth Week in November and asked if there were any opportunities for Youth West during this Week. Graeme Stewart explained that the Youth Worker training was linked with Momentum and it was hoped to make training courses locally available in King’s Lynn.
RESOLVED: (i) The report was noted.
(ii) Representatives from Youth West be invited to provide a further update to the Panel in Year 3 of the Project.
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