Agenda item

To receive an update in relation to bus shelters in King’s Lynn.


James Grant, the Council’s Project Technician gave a presentation to the Committee on Bus Shelters in King’s Lynn.  The presentation covered the following areas:


·        The background to the bus shelters;

·        What we are doing – maintenance; electrical tests and glazing replacement; advertising and potential for advertising.

·        Options – Retain and advertise; remove advertising or retain for public information; and

·        Other issues


Discussion took place on the options for the bus shelters in the future with regards to managing the advertising space and any potential income which may be generated from them.


The Property Services Manager advised that some money had been put into reserves for the bus shelters, and it was the view of the Executive Director – Finance that any surplus money made on operation should be used to off-set special expenses.


The Project Technician explained that as part of the tender writing method statement, any company tendering for the project would have to include details on how they would add value to the current operation.


Councillor Collop stated that he supported the proposal to transfer two shelters to South Wootton Parish Council.  Councillor Collop also added that he would like any surplus income from bus shelters to be able to be used by this Committee to be able to distribute to good causes as it saw fit, as a source of funding.


The Leader, Councillor Long explained what happened in Parish Councils.  He added that once the tender details had been evaluated, the amount of special expense charge for King’s Lynn would hopefully reduce therefore leaving more funds available for the Committee to allocate.  He added that the Committee had an opportunity to put forward a proactive budget.


Councillor Mrs Wilkinson added she was looking for funding to provide a bench in memory of the late Councillor Ian Gourlay.  In relation to bus shelters she explained that at Fairstead there were not bus shelters to go with the bus stops.  She also felt that the Committee could look at areas in need of a shelter.


Councillor Taylor agreed with the comment made by Councillor J Collop that any profit should go to the Committee.  However any profit should be after officer’s time and resources had been deducted.


Councillor Middleton stated that he understood the sentiments expressed by Councillor Collop however the Committee was not a Parish or Town Council and as such did not have a budget.  He added that there was a route to getting the achieved outcomes by making realistic proposals to Cabinet and there was a system in place to do this.


Councillor Middleton added that items needed to be placed on the work programme and a paper submitted to Cabinet.  Also a representative from the Committee should attend Cabinet to put forward the Committee’s views.


The Assistant Director reminded the Committee that in October, the Committee would hold a meeting to consider the Special Expenses Charge and any schemes that the Committee wanted to put forward could be included at that stage.


Reference was made to the successful bid from the Parish Partnership Scheme for 2 SAM signs, which had been ordered and would be fitted soon.  Members from the Committee had gone along to Cabinet to support the proposal.


Councillor Long added that Parish and Town Councils set their budget at an annual budget meeting and had to operate within that budget.  He added that he would do the best he could as Leader to accommodate what the Committee wanted to.


The Committee welcomed the transfer of the bus shelters to South Wootton Parish Council.


The Chairman thanked James and Matthew for attending the meeting and their presentation.