The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager reminded Members that the Council’s Performance Management Framework included quarterly monitoring and reporting of performance. Each quarterly performance report was presented to the Corporate Performance Panel.
It was noted that the report provided an overview of the corporate performance monitoring indicators and associated targets which had been set for the 2018/19 year.
Members’ attention was drawn to the key issues section of the report.
The Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager referred to the Addendum to the report which had been published separately and explained that Performance Indicator CC4 – telephone satisfaction rates, will be withdrawn from the 2018/19 indicator set for the following reason:
The CIC previously collected customer satisfaction data once a month, but take up from customers had been low. The CIC was now looking at new telephony software which incorporated a customer satisfaction module which will automate the process. Customers will be given the option to take part in the survey before they speak to an advisor, this will result in advisors not being able to decide themselves who to put through to the survey.
Members were reminded that following the Scrutiny Review it was agreed that Panels would consider their own performance indicators and be encouraged to monitor progress in line with corporate objectives through that route. However, the Panel was reminded that the Corporate Performance Panel would continue to monitor all indicators in order to ensure a corporate overview of performance was maintained.
The Panel was invited to ask questions, a summary of which is set out below.
In response to questions relating generally to the targets set, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the performance targets were discussed and agreed with the Executive Directors and Portfolio Holders based on a realistic assessment of what could be achieved within the resource available. In response to a question relating to CC1: Staff turnover, which was felt to be high, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that in her opinion, 10% represented a healthy turnover rate. The Panel was advised that in the past the level of staff turnover had been higher and that the current level set at 10% allowed new skills and expertise to be recruited to the authority.
Following questions relating to CC2: Average no of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE employee, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that the Council had undertaken a significant amount of work to reduce the level of sickness and provided an overview of the steps that had been taken. The Panel was informed that a benchmarking exercise was undertaken with other Norfolk Local Authorities and advised that the Borough Council did not have the highest level of sickness per FTE. The Leader added that there were a number of serious long term illnesses which did therefore affect the figures reported. It was noted that each case was dealt with on an individual.
In response to questions relating to C04: % of rent arrears on industrial estates, the Policy, Performance and Personnel Manager explained that last year there were specific units which were unoccupied which were reported on the Action Report and advised that the Panel could, if it so wished, invite the Property Services Manager to a future meeting to provide information on the changes in the market. The Chief Executive advised that robust monitoring arrangements were in place and where appropriate relevant action had been taken.
Following questions on EP3a – Processing of major development applications and EP3c % of decisions on applications for major development that have been overturned at appeal, measured against the total number of major applications determined, the Chief Executive advised that 10% target for EP3c was a Government target, which would remain at 10% for 2018/2019. It was highlighted that this was a maximum figure not to be exceeded. The Chief Executive explained that on average approximately 5 – 6% of major appeals went to appeal.
With regard to questions on FS4: Number of days to process new benefit claims and the target set at 21 days, the Chief Executive explained that the figures were looked at on a weekly basis and currently claims were being processed within 17 days. The Panel was advised that a new IT system had been procured and there would be minimum disruption changing from the old to the new system. The target for 2018/2019 would be reviewed. The Leader added that 21 days was in line with the national average for processing a claim.
Following questions in relation to EP3d: % of decisions on applications for non-major development that have been overturned at appeal, measured against total number of non-major applications determined and EP8: % of planning appeals allowed, the Chief Executive undertook to liaise with the Planning Service Area and circulate the information direct to the Panel. The Leader explained that EP3d target of 10% related to major applications and EP8 target of 35% related to general applications.
RESOLVED: The Panel reviewed and noted the Council’s proposed performance indicators and targets for the 2018/19 year. Performance against these indicators will be reported to this Panel via the quarterly Performance Monitoring report and associated Action Report.
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