Agenda item

An update will be provided to the Panel before the Panel is invited to take part in a Workshop Session to identify ideas and issues relating to the King’s Lynn Transport Study.


The LDF Manager provided the Panel with information on the progress of the King’s Lynn Transport Study.  He explained that the Borough Council and Norfolk County Council were working together on transport issues.


Ian Parkes from Norfolk County Council was present at the meeting and he explained that the project had been jointly funded by the Borough Council, Norfolk County Council and the Business Rates Pool.  He explained that the study would last approximately one year, and the start had been slightly delayed because of the roadworks to the Saddlebow Interchange.  Ian Parkes informed the Panel that the study was nearing the end of the evidence gathering stage.  A Stakeholders Workshop had been held and at the meeting this evening Members of the Regeneration and Development Panel would be given the opportunity to put their comments and suggestions forward for consideration.


Ian Parkes explained that issues would be broken down into three themes; walking/cycling, public transport and private vehicles.  He explained that issues and suggestions raised by the panel would be added to the list of evidence and the next stage would be to assess all proposals and model testing.


The Panel made comments as follows:


(i) Walking/Cycling


·        King’s Lynn Ferry was important and car parking should be increased and improved on the West Lynn side.

·        The King’s Lynn side of the Ferry might be better at its old location where better access arrangements could be provided.

·        Some difficulties were experienced crossing busy main roads like Extons Road and Tennyson Road.

·        Southgates roundabout was not particularly pedestrian friendly.

·        Need more pedestrian crossings including signalised ones.

·        Issues of HGV using Wisbech Road and damaging verges.

·        Requirement for secure cycle parking located near CCTV cameras.

·        With regard to the King’s Lynn NCC cycle map there needed to be more done to encourage cycling.

·        Need cycle parking at the King’s Lynn Ferry.

·        Need cycle hire scheme.  Members were informed that there was a hire company running in Norwich and more information could be provided to Members.

·        An underpass under the railway at Tennyson Avenue to provide quick walking and cycling links to Morrisons to reduce car trips.


(ii) Public Transport


·        Not enough taxis on the rank at the Railway Station when a train arrives.

·        Need for a double track on a railway line and faster and more frequent trains.

·        Need a railway line to Hunstanton.

·        Need schools and hospitals to alter shift patterns to spread peak periods and possible earlier school start times.

·        Consider Park and Ride

·        Need later buses to serve the night time economy.

·        Improvements to Sunday bus services.

·        Better reliability of rail timetable.

·        Lines to be marked for cyclists on the busier routes in the Walks.

·        Park and Ride which used a heritage railway or tourist attraction.


Private Travel


·        Factor in the uptake in electric vehicles as this would help address air quality issues.  Look at charging provisions.

·        Bottlenecks on the network often give rise to gridlock so need emergency plans.

·        Add new roads into the network to reduce the traffic levels at pinch points.

·        North Lynn access was improved now because of the new Link Road.

·        Concentration of buses around the centre/bus station gave rise to pollution.  Tree and shrub planting could help with this.

·        Southgates roundabout was congested.

·        Hardings Way should be opened up to all traffic.

·        Look at reversing the flow on Millfleet so it directed to St James Multi Storey Car Park and divert traffic from the Southgates and London Road to this area.

·        Divert traffic from the town centre along the riverfront then onto the Freebridge Bridge.  This would divert some traffic away from the Southgates. 

·        New bridge over the River Ouse.

·        New cycleway for Hardings Way.

·        Removal of speed bumps along Wisbech Road to improve traffic flow, whilst maintaining the 20mph speed limit.


RESOLVED: (i) Officers to arrange for information to be provided to the Panel on the cycle hire company in Norwich.

(ii) Comments and suggestions made by the Panel to be considered as part of the King’s Lynn Transport Study.

(iii) Members of the Panel to email any further comments or suggestions to officers as appropriate.