Agenda item

Members may wish to view the following background paper:


-        Cultural Prospectus




Natalie Jode from Creative Arts East delivered a presentation, as attached.  She explained that the charity was based on arts and community development and worked with a range of communities and organisations across the County.


She explained that in West Norfolk a financial contribution was received from the Borough Council through a Service Level Agreement and the Council received regular reports.  She explained that Creative Arts East had worked with 22 community groups in West Norfolk and work was also being carried out with the Council through Alive Leisure to look at arts and audience development.


The Chairman thanked Natalie Jode for her presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.


In response to a question from Councillor Smith, it was explained that communities chose their performances and benefitted from subsidised ticket sales.  Community performances included traditional theatre, plays of books, world music and shows aimed at children and young people.  Natalie Jode explained that programming work did also look at less traditional work and this usually had increased subsidy to get people interested.


Natalie Jode explained that a Community Touring Manager put together a programme of shows and then community representatives would be invited to choose which performances they would like to bring out into their community.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge referred to the results of the project in 2012/2013, she explained that lack of transport and funds were highlighted as reasons for not being able to access the arts in rural areas.  She asked if more up to date information was available and if these were still factors in preventing access to the arts in rural areas.  Natalie Jode explained that rural communities could choose to become involved with Creative Arts East, and as long as funds were available, they could participate.  She agreed that it would be good to revive the project which looked at models of participation, but this was carried out through Arts Council funding and further funding options would need to be looked at to carry out a similar project.  Natalie Jode commented that the impression she got from working out in the community with people were that issues regarding lack of transport and funds were still current.


The Vice Chairman, Councillor Bambridge, asked Natalie Jode how Creative Arts East promoted themselves.  Natalie Jode explained that there were a lot of longstanding communities which were involved and engagement work was carried out.  She explained that work to raise the profile of the group was being looked at and new groups were joining all the time.  She explained that there was only so much subsidy that Creative Arts East had, so they had to be careful about raising and meeting expectations. 


The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Mrs Nockolds commented that her portfolio included financial assistance and she had been involved in agreeing the Service Level Agreement with Creative Arts East.  She commented that they did good work in West Norfolk and communities often wanted to continue the work that Creative Arts East had started, for example some communities had then gone on to purchase their own projectors so that they could continue with community cinema offers etc.  The Portfolio Holder explained that the arts contributed towards the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Borough which was important.  She also reminded the Panel that Lily had been awarded funding for Social Isolation and this could involve working with Creative Arts East.


The Chairman thanked Natalie Jode and Creative Arts East for the work carried out in the Borough.  He encouraged Members to spread the message of the opportunities available for communities through Creative Arts East as appropriate.


Natalie Jode commented that Members were welcome to contact her to attend and participate in programming and community events.


RESOLVED: The Panel be kept updated as appropriate.

Supporting documents: