Representatives from the CCG will be presenting the update
John Webster, Accountable Officer from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) was present at the meeting and provided the Panel with an update on the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership. A copy of his presentation is attached.
The Chairman thanked John Webster for his presentation and invited questions and comments from the Panel, as summarised below.
In response to a question John Webster explained that consultation on projects and plans would be carried out as required with other organisations or the public. He explained that all constituent organisations made contributions to the upkeep of the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership and budgets were looked at locally for engagement work.
Councillor Mrs Fraser referred to a recent article in a Parish Magazine which stated that the local GP would no longer treat minor injuries such as scalds and burns and suggested that people go to A&E. John Webster explained that he was aware of the article and this approach was not supported by the CCG. It was explained that the CCG worked with practices to try and reduce unnecessary admissions to hospital and there was services available such as advice from GP’s or Pharmacists and 111.
John Webster responded to questions about Fairstead and St James Surgery and explained that expansion of the area and population growth would have an impact on the services and facilities provided in the future. He explained that the CCG needed to ensure that there was sufficient care for the population and would work with individual surgeries and GP’s as required.
Councillor Mrs Nockolds, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health explained that the Sustainability Transformation Partnership also dealt with social isolation and social prescribing. She explained that Lily played an active part in this and had been awarded social isolation. She also explained that investigations were ongoing as to if there could be a Member of Staff placed in the hospital to look at the discharge service and ways that people could receive care at home. John Webster explained that the CCG would be looking at ways to increase capacity at the hospital, occupancy levels and the discharge service.
In response to a question from Councillor Bubb, regarding attracting Doctors to Norfolk, John Webster felt that there was not a problem in this area and a group of local organisations did meet to promote West Norfolk an attractive place to live and work. He explained that it was often the case that people moved out of the area for training and then returned for work.
In response to a question from Councillor Mrs Wilkinson, John Webster explained that some care homes did not accept weekend discharges and there were also cases where people came into A&E and did not need to be admitted, but they did not have the right support available out of Hospital, so they had to be admitted. The Sustainability Transformation Partnership would look at ways to expand access to services as part of the integration work.
The Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and Health, Councillor Nockolds explained that Lily had an interactive stand at the Hospital which provided useful contact details for people which were being discharged.
Councillor Fraser commented that it was also important that strong support was provided for carers during the discharge process. John Webster agreed that this was important and the support available would be looked at. He explained that the Hospital would not risk discharging someone unless the proper support was available.
The Chairman, Councillor Sampson asked about longer opening times in surgeries and access to GP’s, which could assist in taking the pressure off A&E. John Webster explained that extended access hours were something that was being looked at nationally as part of the GP 5 year forward view. He explained that the nature of GP’s contracts meant that they were not required to provide out of hours services and any changes would need to be carried out nationally and be accepted by the GP’s. John Webster explained that the CCG was responsible for out of hours cover in Norfolk and this was provided by services such as 111.
RESOLVED: 1. The update was noted.
2. A further update to be provided to the Panel in 12 months’ time or sooner if there were any major developments which the Panel should be made aware of.
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