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Information about King's Lynn Area Committee - Planning Sub-Group





1.    Status


1.1  The King’s Lynn Area Committee Planning Sub-Group was established by the King’s Lynn Area Committee on 20th June 2024


1.2  King’s Lynn Area Committee Planning Sub-Group will review these Terms of Reference annually and make any recommendations for change to King’s Lynn Area Committee.


2.    Composition and Operation


2.1  The Sub-Group shall consist of three non-Planning Committee Members from the King’s Lynn Area Committee with two substitute members.


2.2  All KLAC Planning Sub-Group Members shall have voting rights.


2.3  Quorum is three King’s Lynn Area Committee Planning Sub-Group Members.


2.4  Meetings will be held monthly wherever possible, but additional meetings can be arranged if required.


2.5  An Agenda for the meeting will be published to the [Council website/ModGov] five clear days before the meeting.


3.    Functions and Processes


The functions of KLAC Planning Subgroup will be as follows;


3.1  The King’s Lynn Area Committee Planning Sub-Group will consider applications for major development in the Area and determine whether or not each is supported.


3.2  All major planning applications will be referred to the Sub-Group for consideration. The Sub-Group may also request to consider other applications which they have identified from the Weekly List of Planning Applications.


3.3  Members of the King’s Lynn Area Committee can ask the Planning Sub-Group to consider applications within 28 days of their publication on the Weekly List of Planning Applications.


3.4  If a Member of the King’s Lynn Area Committee has asked the Planning Sub-Group to consider a specific application, they will be invited to attend the meeting when it is considered.


3.5  Members of the King’s Lynn Area Committee Planning Sub-Group may request for applications to return and be considered again by the Sub-Group after amendments and further consultation on the planning application.