Browse meetings


Information about King's Lynn Area Committee





1.             Definitions


Approved Resource

Officer resource approved by the chief executive of the Council



Means the delineated area lined red on the map attached as Appendix A




Means the annual budget approved by the Council


Means the executive of the Council within the meaning of the Local Government Act 2000


Corporate Strategy

Means the current corporate strategy adopted by the Council



Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk



King’s Lynn Area Committee


King’s Lynn Special Expenses


Means special expenses allocation to King’s Lynn in pursuance of sections 34 and 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992



An elected Councillor


Financial Year

Means 1 April to 31 March



the Senior Leadership Team of the Council


2.             Status


2.1          The King’s Lynn Area Committee (“KLAC”) is an executive area committee constituted pursuant to section 9E of the Local Government Act 2000 and established by Cabinet on 5 March 2024.


2.2          The decisions of KLAC will be executive decisions subject to call-in under the Council’s constitution.


2.3          KLAC is established to discharge the functions set out within these terms of reference within the Area.



3.         Composition & Operation


3.1                KLAC shall comprise of all ward Members from the Area.


3.2                All KLAC Members shall have voting rights.


3.3                KLAC does not have to be politically proportionate as it is an area committee.


3.4                KLAC shall be supported by a member of SLT and an officer from democratic services. KLAC may invite other senior officers and/or Cabinet Members to attend meetings where relevant to an agenda item.


3.5                Quorum is four voting Members.


3.6                Meetings of KLAC shall be held no less than 6 times per annum.


4.                   Functions

The functions of KLAC will be as follows:

4.1                         To determine the spend of any Budget allocated to KLAC. Such decisions are to be made in accordance with clause 5. 


4.2                         To authorise the submission of applications for funding for the Area, for example Community Infrastructure Levy funding or the County Council’s Parish Partnership Programme, with the operational use of Approved Resource to prepare and submit funding applications.


4.3                         To determine where surplus funding raised in connection with King’s Lynn Special Expenses should be utilised within the Area. Such decisions are to be made in accordance with clause 5. 


4.4                         To provide recommendations to Cabinet on new priorities for King’s Lynn Special Expenses.


4.5                         To monitor expenditure against King’s Lynn Special Expenses including itemised special expenses and contingency reserve throughout the Financial Year.


4.6                         Enable Members from the unparished area of King’s Lynn to meet together to discuss issues of mutual interest which have implications beyond the boundaries of individual wards.  


4.7                         To act as a consultative forum on issues affecting the whole or the majority of the unparished area of King’s Lynn including planning applications for major developments.


4.8                         To encourage and carry out community engagement within King’s Lynn residents, with Approved Resource where necessary.


4.9                         To makes decisions in accordance with the Council’s approved budget and policy framework.


5                              Funding Decisions


5.1                             Decisions under 4.1 and 4.3 above can be taken to authorise capital or revenue spend on or connected to the use of South Lynn Community Centre and/or Fairstead Community Centre.


5.2                             Other decisions under clause 4 to for spending within the Area or to authorise an application for funding shall be taken in accordance with the scoring criteria at 5.3.


5.3                             Projects with the most points utilising the following criteria may be approved by KLAC:


5.3.1           Project Need (up to 30 points)

Considering the following non-exhaustive list:

·         The relevance to the priorities in the Corporate Strategy or other Council policy

·         The current lack of facilities in the area

·         The last time the relevant ward received funding through KLAC or another public body

·         The strength of the outputs and outcomes to the ward and/or Area


5.3.2           Project Feasibility (up to 30 points)

Considering the following non-exhaustive list:

·         The strength of the business case submitted to support the project

·         Availability of match funding

·         The proposed timeline for delivery of the project


5.3.3           Community Engagement (up to 20 points)

Considering the following non-exhaustive list:

·         Evidence of community involvement in project planning

·         Support from local stakeholders and residents

·         Strategies for capturing ongoing community engagement


5.3.4           Innovation and Sustainability (up to 20 points)

Considering the following non-exhaustive list:

·         Consideration of long term environmental and economic sustainability

·         Alignment with the Council’s climate change strategy and action plan

·         Potential for future growth and adaptability.


6                Review

KLAC will review these Terms of Reference annually and make any recommendations for change to Cabinet.