Browse meetings

Information about King's Lynn Area Committee

Terms of Reference and Operational Model




The role of the Committee is to:


·       Enable Borough Councillors from the unparished area of King’s Lynn to meet together to discuss issues of mutual interest which have implications beyond the boundaries of individual wards.  Recent examples might include the proposed Saddlebow Incinerator.


·       To act as a consultative forum on issues affecting the whole or the majority of the unparished area of King’s Lynn.  Recent examples might include the most appropriate location for the Parkour equipment, and planning applications for major developments.


·       To act as a consultative forum on the funding raised by, and utilisation of the King’s Lynn Special Expenses, and to offer input on priorities for this expenditure and if appropriate the level of funds to be raised.


·       To encourage community engagement within King’s Lynn.


·       Within the deadlines of the Scheme and in a timely fashion to feed into the Council’s budget process, make recommendations to Cabinet on proposed highway improvement schemes, which have been supported by a business case and are within the unparished areas of King’s Lynn and West Lynn, for match funding through the County Council’s Parish Partnership Programme, or similar parish funding schemes.


·        The Committee will meet on a quarterly basis and be supported by Democratic Services and a senior officer.  The King’s Lynn Area Advisory Committee will continue to operate after 1st May 2015 in its current format for a period of 4 years.




All of the Borough Councillors representing the unparished area of King’s Lynn.


The Committee shall appoint its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman.


Other Bodies


It is not intended that the Committee should usurp or replace the role or responsibility for individual Councillors.  In particular to address matters which relate to their individual ward.